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Justice Courts Gone Wild!

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posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 07:10 PM
Video here explains quite a bit in a nutshell. If you have the time, a detailed article is on this page also.

An excerpt from the article:

It was a shocking experience for Dena Long-Christensen, sitting in a cell in the Salt Lake County Jail for nearly two weeks among people charged with serious crimes.

Her cellmate, for example, was spending time on charges of aggravated assault. Long-Christensen's crime? Selling flower baskets from her home.

A four-month investigation by KSL-TV discovered Long-Christensen's case is but one of several examples of questionable activities inside city-run justice courts, which operate outside the purview of the state's judiciary. Critics of the justice courts cite examples of judges issuing random rulings, sidestepping normal rules of jurisprudence and sometimes doling out harsh punishment for relatively minor infractions.

...Hart is one of a number of criminal defense attorneys KSL News spoke with, however, most would not speak on the record for fear of retribution from municipal court judges.

The courts operate with virtually no oversight beyond that of the sponsoring cities, which rely on the courts as municipal cash cows, generating millions of dollars in fines and fees every year.

Read more here:

"Get out of her, oh my people, if you do not want to share in her plagues." Looks like these plagues are now running rampant.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 07:39 PM
There is no justice in the Justice System. It's a miracle that anyone has heard of this case. They are locking people up everyday for things like this. They throw poor people in jail for 'contempt' when they are too poor to pay something. It happens every day. 3 million fathers in jail who couldn't afford their child support for contempt. The system is DOWN.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by EssenSieMich

Usually we hear the stories of how much it costs taxpayers to house and feed prisoners. But are we getting the real story here? Is there actually money to be made on prisoners? Is there another scam going on here that would make the arrest of jay walkers lucrative for "the system"? Can you spell P-r-i-s-o-n B-o-n-d-s?

What they are doing is selling stock in the prison system by selling the prisoners' accounts as securities through the securities exchange. They are making huge amounts of money off it. They privatize the prisoners' accounts and bring all these investors in and what they are doing is underwriting all these prisoner's accounts (bonds). This is after the surety company guarantees the bonds. Then they are underwritten through an investment bank or banker. Then they are put out on the market and resold to the public. In other words the banks are buying up all the shares and then they resell them as investment securities to the public. The public them buys them as mutual funds or they can buy them as debt instruments, equity instruments. What they are really doing is they are buying up debt instrument.

Basically there are 8 people on the board of directors of CCA (Corrections Corporation of America)-Joseph E. Russell, the top holder, and John M Ferguson. Russell owns 64,000 shares of CCA stock which is worth about $70 million. Ferguson owns 34,000 shares valued at about $37 million.

Fidelity Management and Research is the top stock holder, the top investment firm that is selling the bonds as investment securities. They pool them and sell them as mortgage backed securities. They also when they pool them, they sell them as mutual funds on the stock market. By pooling you mean the securities on the inmates

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Alethea

Add to this the fact that MANY compinies such as JC Penny, Toys R Us, etc use prisoners as slave labor, where they can pay them pennys an hour to work........just as cheap as buying from China and they can Proudly display "Made In America" on the products. The latest numbers I have are 2.2 MILLION in prison and almost 8 MILLION on parole............that is ONE OUT OF EVERY THIRTY PEOPLE............roughly.

Its a Scam

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by lastrebel
reply to post by Alethea

Add to this the fact that MANY compinies such as JC Penny, Toys R Us, etc use prisoners as slave labor, where they can pay them pennys an hour to work........just as cheap as buying from China and they can Proudly display "Made In America" on the products. The latest numbers I have are 2.2 MILLION in prison and almost 8 MILLION on parole............that is ONE OUT OF EVERY THIRTY PEOPLE............roughly.

Its a Scam

Are you saying that people in prison in the US are engaged in manufacturing clothing for JC Penny? Do you have proof of this?

What products do prisoners make for Toy R Us?

How many other industries are using US prisoners to make their products?
Can you provide proof or links to proof for any of this?

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by Alethea

This doesnt have JC Penny or Toys R Us but I have read the in other acticles, I will look it up and add them too

This link shows how they pay the prisioners 17 cents an hour in some cases the following is a pert of the acticle in the link

At least 37 states have legalized the contracting of prison labor by private corporations that mount their operations inside state prisons. The list of such companies contains the cream of U.S. corporate society: IBM, Boeing, Motorola, Microsoft, AT&T, Wireless, Texas Instrument, Dell, Compaq, Honeywell, Hewlett-Packard, Nortel, Lucent Technologies, 3Com, Intel, Northern Telecom, TWA, Nordstrom's, Revlon, Macy's, Pierre Cardin, Target Stores, and many more. All of these businesses are excited about the economic boom generation by prison labor. Just between 1980 and 1994, profits went up from $392 million to $1.31 billion. Inmates in state penitentiaries generally receive the minimum wage for their work, but not all; in Colorado, they get about $2 per hour, well under the minimum. And in privately-run prisons, they receive as little as 17 cents per hour for a maximum of six hours a day, the equivalent of $20 per month. The highest-paying private prison is CCA in Tennessee, where prisoners receive 50 cents per hour for what they call "highly skilled positions." At those rates, it is no surprise that inmates find the pay in federal prisons to be very generous. There, they can earn $1.25 an hour and work eight hours a day, and sometimes overtime. They can send home $200-$300 per month.

Herer is a Youtube link too
edit on 6-2-2011 by lastrebel because: to add link

Here is more including JC penny

Major corporations, the best known being BP, Dell, TWA, Compaq, J.C. Penny, Best Western Hotels, Honda, Chevron, IBM, Microsoft, Victoria’s Secret, and Boeing, who save on labor costs by employing cheap prison labor (0 to $1.50 per hour – the average is 40 cents) – which turns out to be far cheaper than outsourcing overseas – especially with rising labor costs in economic boom countries like India and China.

To be even more of a hypocrite JC penny Vows to not invest in FORGIEN prison labor here.....

Manufacturer's Certificate. To emphasize its insistence on accurate country-of -origin labeling and its particular abhorrence of the use of prison labor and illegal child labor, JCPenney requires that its foreign suppliers and its U.S. suppliers of imported merchandise, for each shipment of foreign-produced merchandise, obtain a manufacturer's certificate that the merchandise was manufactured at a specified factory, identified by name, location and country, and the neither convict labor, forced labor or indentured labor, nor illegal child labor, was employed in the manu facture of the merchandise.

edit on 6-2-2011 by lastrebel because: to add another link

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by Alethea

Are you saying that people in prison in the US are engaged in manufacturing clothing for JC Penny? Do you have proof of this?

How many other industries are using US prisoners to make their products?
Can you provide proof or links to proof for any of this?

Nothing to be alarmed about here. It's called "prison industries" (google it) in my state of Washington and yes there are some name brand clothing products as well as other items that are made by prisoners. I don't know about any specific stores. Most prison jobs that help run the prison in WA pay something like .35 cents an hour. That keeps operation cost down by not having to hire as much outside help.

The more coveted jobs inside our Prisons are Prison industries where inmates can get paid up to a few dollars an hour or even more if getting paid by the piece. A percentage of their wages are garnished to pay for victims funds for all inmates and any restitution, child support or court order payments the individual inmate may have. Whatever is left can be used to purchase prison commissary, build up in a non-interest bearing account or can be sent out to his family members.

Prison Industries usually involves outside Private Companies that Contract with the prison & basically rent space inside buildings within the prison to use prison labor.

Occasionally competing companies who don't have access to prison labor file complaints and that keeps many industries out. You wont hear complaints from prisoners about the slave labor because the jobs pay more than working in the kitchens or laundry facilities.

The extra funds also help pay for their phone calls - another prison racket. The most highly coveted long distance phone contracts are those with prisons where all calls must be made collect (which by law allows the highest legal rates) and cost anywhere from 1 to $5 dollars a minute.

Want to afford to talk to your wife or kids for more than 10 minutes a week - than come work for the slave labor prison industries corporation. Their main selling argument being that they are helping convicts develop work skills, which might sometimes be true, but the fact is most of the type of work their performing is pretty much limited to sweatshops.

Prisons are pushing for new laws against mobile phones found on inmates -not because they believe they are a security risk (their complaint), but because it's cutting into their long distance phone contracts. Thus they want to add a few years on to inmates sentences for being caught with a mobile device.

So, yes those jeans you are wearing, that nice piece of furniture your siting on or those brake pads you just had put on your car might have been made by prison labor. Not just license plates any more.
edit on 6-2-2011 by verylowfrequency because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 09:58 AM
Local courts are by far the worse abusers of the law. All the power resides with the local judge, and in many states this has been going on for quite some time.

This is why traffic laws, and other safety laws should not be included as criminal offenses, unless someone has been hurt as a result of neglect.

The situation in family court is even worse.

It is a money racket, ran by some very ruthless people.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by verylowfrequency

Nothing to be alarmed about here. It's called "prison industries" (google it)

Nothing to be alarmed about? I am shocked! I am just finding out about this---I never thought about it and never knew this existed or was going on. Heck, we already have the FEMA camps and this is the proto-type. It appears that it has been in operation for quite some time!

And of course, I suppose the "prisoners" are grateful for the opportunity to make 35 cents an hour and consider it as "on the job training". And, being locked away, no one will hear about these atrocities and slave labor going on right under their noses in their own country!

No wonder people are being "arrested for jaywalking"! No wonder officials are actually staking them out looking for a "reason to get them". People are not unduly paranoid---these things are really happening! The original article I posted concerned an event where an official staked out the victim to watch for an infraction---and the woman, who believed her home business was all legal, was arrested on a technicality.

It appears to me that many cities/counties are beating the bushes to look for revenue. Are they laying the fleece at the bottom of the river to try and catch every small fleck of gold they can get?

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 12:27 PM
I hear alot of outrage by people who I'll bet would be Shocked and saddened when one of these corrupt judges
got a bullet put through their head by one of the victims of these abuses.

You can't have it both ways.
Either fight against the system and speak out against it
Defend it.

I'm not saying that anyone should go out and kill a judge.
Please don't.
But, when you hear of it happening think twice.
There might be a really good reason he got a bullet in the head.
He might have pissed off the wrong person. Put the wrong persons wife in prison for ten years for
selling flower baskets out of their home.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Screwed

Sure there is a lot of corruption in the system and many in power are taking advantage of it. But who has given them this power in the first place? Could it be the very people they are stalking and incarcerating? Who is really to blame? People have offered themselves freely to stand as a pledge for collateral.

For every government and corporation created card you hold, you have put up a pledge of collateral. That collateral is your own body as well as your labor. That collateral is everything else that you own as well. I bet many people have not even realized that they have done this. If you read the fine print, you will see that it is called "bailment".

When you apply for any privilege or card you are pledging yourself as collateral. By showing your birth certificate, you have just pledged your body and labor. By showing any identification in which your birth certificate was originally required to obtain, through this link, you are still pledging your body and your labor in return.

What is the origin of 'bailment'?

Origin of the word Baal

1. "The name of many deities of the Semitic peoples" [Klein], late 14c., Biblical use is from Heb. Ba'al, lit. "owner, master, lord," from ba'al "he took possession of,"...

"any of numerous Canaanite and Phoenician local deities often cap - baal.ism n"

"Baal (usually pronounced "bail") is mentioned widely in the Old Testament as the primary pagan idol of the Phoenicians, which was often associated with the heathen goddess Ashtaroth. "

(Ashtaroth is associated with a "pole" shrine, which I surmise, is connected to the display of the obelisks worldwide. O-bel-isk. "Bel" is also another pronunciation for the deity "Ba'al". So now you know the meaning of all these poles, "Cleopatra's Needle", oBELisks, etc. and who is being worshipped by this.)

Ba'al was supposedly the Son of Dagon. If you will recall, Dagon is depicted as a "man inside of the fish's belly"---sounds a bit like the story of Jonah and the Whale, does it not? The "fish-hat" is still in use today! I suspect that Dagon has a network of "sons"!

The worship of Ba'al included the sacrifice of infants. Is our world any different today? When a child is born, the parents make a request to "register" the child. In doing so, a CUSIP number is put on that child's head and the child becomes a property of a governing corporation. (You will find that CUSIP number on the back of the birth certificate stamped in red.) It is this "sacrificing the child to Ba'al" that gives that corporation right of ownership of the child. The parents are merely allowed to be guardians.

"The term "Baal" is used in various ways in the Old Testament, with the usual meaning of master, or owner."

According to Bible history they have been destroyed before, but for some reason, they keep coming back and showing up again and again.

"The priests of Baal were in great numbers (1 Kings 18:19), and of various classes (2 Kings 10:19) throughout the land. Their fraud was exposed however in a great contest with the prophet Elijah on Mount Carmel. Out numbered hundreds to one, Elijah, with the power of God, destroyed them all (1 Kings 18:16-40)."

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Alethea

The above post certainly gives a concrete meaning to the scripture that warns us that 'the very hairs on our head are numbered'! Those "numbers" are the CUSIP numbers. You have been sacrificed through a clever act of deceit.

Do you wonder why the words "Ba'al" and "bail" sound the same? It's the same reason that "YOUR NAME" and "Your Name" sound the same, though they are spelled a bit differently. It is a trick of the language of Legalese.

The CUSIP numbers are the mark of ownership. If you have one, you are P*WNED by the Beast System. The CUSIPis the Mark of the Beast. As long as you accept this, you have no personal authority. You have acquiesced to the system.

This is what gives the Priests of Ba'al their authority. Now you know. What will you do about it?

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 02:19 PM
I know that I will personally boycot all compinies that are using prison labor......especially JC Penny who has the GALL to promise NOT to use convict labor in OTHER countries but have no problem doing it here

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Alethea

The Pole of Astheroth is what the real "Pole Shift" is all about. It has nothing to do with geophysical events. The term is more Illuminati-speak symbolism.

How does this "Pole Shift" come about? It is because their time is up! Judgment is upon them. How does their judgment arrive? It is through the "children of God". This is what GLP was trying to tell you all in these words:

"It was known to them (them=the Nephilim rulers of the earth) that in those days (those days=last days) that there would come upon them (them=evil rulers) the judgment of the children of God who had lived among them as men and learned of their ways and tested their hearts.

GLP also told you "The book has been closed. The names have been written." What this means is that all the children of God who have been selected for a specific purpose have now been sealed. Do not be discouraged. There are many out there who are still seeking and are still teachable. Those who have been sealed are your servants and will be your teachers when the judgment is finished and the resurrection occurs.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:14 AM
You're on to something here.
I was watching a youtube (sorry i lost the link) but the central claim is that the average court is a 3 tiered system:

1. Land law
2. Maritime law
3. Baal law

The 3rd is the "highest" because it removes any and all false pretences. It's you and God, and God's earthly representatives in civil society? The baal priesthood, as represented by your local magistrate. The "level" used is set by the judge IN HIS CHAMBERS, without any admission of such in court. So when the judge leaves, and returns, all the rules, terms and such have changed, without him telling you. Obviously since you are now in the "wrong" court, you will not be using the correct terminology, and asking for the right thing. So they can deny you very easily.

Now i have no evidence for this, only bits and pieces of information, but it does seem very familiar. There's a "religion" going on behind all this ... a common faith (common to them) and despite the overwhelming historical importance, is completely ignored in secular society. Protoplasmic Traveller's epic thread "All Roads Lead to Rome" touches on this, and certainly the vatican is involved. He refuses to enter into religious dialogue on that thread, and rightly so, but IMHO what he is missing is this religious aspect. There are a whole bunch of clues though, apollo, and the muses, soothsayers and witches in mountains. We have the "mythos" ... but lack the real knowledge to understand this mythos.

edit on 7-2-2011 by harryhaller because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 11:34 AM
Thanks for an interesting contribution, HarryHaller!

I haven't seen any YouTube's on this but would certainly be interested if you find the link again. I have not heard or read any specific details as to the rituals of this. I started out by reading law and then law commentaries. Also an undocumented quote that we are all under a pledge system.

I thought it strange that some of the new requirements for obtaining licenses lately require one to show documentation of all assets---birth certificate, deed or mortgage to home, landlord rental agreement, etc. etc. That goes way past "ID proof". It sent up a red flag.

Then I ran across the "bailment" clause (in the law commentaries) and began to research that. Somewhere I saw the word Ba'al associated with it. It seems the word "Ba'al" has been pronounced as "bail, ball, and bell", but it is still the same deity. (It has always been a clever legal trick to use words that sound the same and give them different meanings. That's why you cannot assume the meaning of a common English word when it is written in a legal document.)

From there I studied Ba'al of Peor and the rituals of sacrifice. This is how I began to connect the dots. I am sure others have connected the dots as well. I am sure there's a lot left to uncover yet.

Originally posted by harryhaller
You're on to something here.
I was watching a youtube (sorry i lost the link) but the central claim is that the average court is a 3 tiered system:

1. Land law
2. Maritime law
3. Baal law

. The "level" used is set by the judge IN HIS CHAMBERS, without any admission of such in court. So when the judge leaves, and returns, all the rules, terms and such have changed, without him telling you. Obviously since you are now in the "wrong" court, you will not be using the correct terminology, and asking for the right thing. So they can deny you very easily.

This sounds ritualistic and I am not clear on what this "level" means. It does sound rather "Masonic" and perhaps there is a connection there as well. Can you explain how this changes court procedure from Maritime to Ba'al judgment?

Originally posted by harryhaller
Now i have no evidence for this, only bits and pieces of information, but it does seem very familiar. There's a "religion" going on behind all this ... a common faith (common to them) and despite the overwhelming historical importance, is completely ignored in secular society. Protoplasmic Traveller's epic thread "All Roads Lead to Rome" touches on this, and certainly the vatican is involved.

That's a lo-o-ong thread and I must have missed where that thread touches on this.

All in all, according to the "judgments" being used in this Babylonian system, people have voluntarily pledged themselves, body, labor, and soul for their licenses and debts. Those running the show merely take advantage of the people's ignorance. Ignorance is not stupidity; ignorance is a lack of being motivated to learn and ask questions and to find out why things are the way they are.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:52 PM
According to the WikiLeaks cable:

"Russia imprisons a greater portion of its population than almost any other country in the world (second only to the U.S.)."

Does this make the US the number one country in prison population?

The cable also says that Russian prisons focus mainly on punishment tactics rather than rehabilitation.

"Recent prison riots, new prisoner shock tactics, and smuggled videos of prison mistreatment have highlighted the cruelties and corruption in the system."

Could they be focusing with experimenting more into mind control and testing new devices? Are they using prison volunteers for testing of new drugs or virus and bacterias? We have read that the Chinese use their prisoners for organ harvesting. Could any of these horrors be on going in prison systems in other countries, too?

What do we really know about the health conditions in the prison systems?

"Health conditions in Russian prisons are poor and infection rates for contagious diseases are much higher than in the general population"

To read more of the WikiLeaks cable regarding the Russian prison system: tracking not allowed)/h8W414

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