posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 06:28 PM
Both the person making this video and the person within the video (it begins saying he is mirroring another account) are about as far from knowing
anything useful about anything it's amazing that people who come here, which I consider to be (usually) one of the most moderate intelligent forums
I've seen, would give this guy even 2 minutes, much less 15 or longer.
The second person in the video believes every seismograph in the entire world is recording it's own earthquake and nothing can convince him or his
followers otherwise. He also is asking for pictures to prove that the sun is not coming up in the same place everyday, which is something known to
stone age men millenia ago.
That neither one can understand no one is ordering anything, they are asking for information shoud the need arise, and that FEMA is supposed to be
prepared to provide things like food and blankets to lots of people doesn't surprise me at all. What is surprising is the number of people who lap
up these fairytales and call them selves informed.