posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:10 PM
that'll be the day. america isn't in that bad a shape yet. but it's getting there.
there is a thread posted about nationwide black outs. when gasoline shortages start to hit america, and people have to wait 45 to fill their tanks
of gas, or can't get to work and truckers lose business because there isn't enough fuel to transport their goods, then civil unrest will boil
america is destroying itself. the constitution is showing it's failings and flaws. i would call it a failure if it created a society where 10 year
kids are murdering their parents, gangs run rampant, healthcare is a luxury enjoyed by the rich, whole neighbourhoods are run down and abandoned
and a media that nowadays spends 90% of it's time reassuring america that's everything's o.k. and not to worry.
meanwhile rome is burning.
edit on 5-2-2011 by randomname because: (no reason given)