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Are we as people everything that is wrong in the world?

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posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 01:30 PM
Hey people im Ted, Some people here know me well, Others not so much.

Im currently a Volunteer Peer Mentor On behalf of the social services of britain and unfortunately ive seen the truth of what "We" Have become.

Today i was talking to one of the Kids i work with, Please respect the fact that i cant go into much detail here as those i work with have the right to confidentiality which i tend to respect.

However this "Kid" Is a Youth Offender, I will not say why.
But I talked to him today and he had tears in his eyes as i witnessed this so called Juvenile deliqwent come up with one of the most awakening speeches ive ever heard and to be honest he made perfect sense, and im surprised i never saw things in his way before.

I cant remember his words exactly as my memory fails me these days However, I will some up his words in my own.

We as people have become eveything that is wrong with this world, We Worship Ignorant Celebrities and Ignore the wise because they tell us what we dont want to hear, That this world is falling apart because of the very human beings we are.

Vanity is Encouraged and Ignorance seems bliss as Our problems are of our own creation and in a world of ever varying circumstance and illusion we have managed to make stupidity Popular.

His very words "The Deluded look up on me as a theif and a Threat, But im just trying to survive in a world full of theifs and liars that think they have the right to judge what i did to survive on the streets of hatred, Violence and self-admiration that they created, But they dont want to see the truth, the truth to them seems as fake as the make-up they cover their arrogant faces with"

For a Moment when he said this i was thinking in what ways i could help the guy or what advice i could offer him but in all honesty if i was at the lower-levels of society i would agree and this caused me to think that maybe Indivduals Alone Arnt the problem maybe the Society we have created around ourselvs is infact wrong and maybe individual violence is an effect that we have created by an ever increasingly idealistic society.

Its the mere fact that the laws Only Seem To opress those who would seek to contradict our way of living, Yet the Most Corrupt and Lawless are the ones with a better lawyer who finds loopholes to Bypass the very laws that our society stands on.

The Way this world and we work is wrong, But its not OUR faults, No, Its the corrupt that have been allowed to gain power and dictate the way we should lives our lives. Right and wrong suddenly seems Unidentifiable to me in a world where right is considerd wrong and Wrong is considerd right, In this ever sickening world it seems a wonder that Anyone can find the time to Smile these days without the lack of understanding just how wrong everything is

People will understand what i mean, and others wont, But dont seek to Contradict the Truth because that would be wrong...Or would it

edit on 5/2/11 by TedHodgson because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 01:43 PM
If you removed people from the planet, nature would go back to alignment in a decade.

People are the cause of the planet being out of balance.

Separation is at the root. We are all the same and pride prevents people from seeing that.

Oh well. The easiest solutions are always discounted.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by zroth

Definately, the easiest way to insure our planet survives longer is to kill each other off.....Or maybe that is infact the whole idea behind these pointless wars we seem to have these days

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by TedHodgson

I think that kid is wise beyond his years! I hate violence and I don't believe in making someone else do without just so that I can have more, but for the most part, I agree with him.

I never did understand the whole celebrity worship thing. I mean, they are just PEOPLE... just like you and me! Many of us have just become oblivious to what really matters in this world and would rather judge and put someone down than to help that person. I try not to look down on ANYONE without knowing their personal situation, but I'll admit that it's hard sometimes, based upon what I've been conditioned to believe.

But to answer your question... Absolutely! I think we are exactly what is wrong with the world. I think that if we all just treated others the way that WE want to be treated, the world really would be a much better place, and I'm not spewing religion here. I'm definitely not an atheist by an means, but I do hate religion... just to make that clear. If EVERYONE lived by that rule, we wouldn't need laws or war or government or anybody to tell us what to do. Maybe that isn't what you were talking about exactly, but that's the way I see it.
edit on 2/5/2011 by gemineye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by gemineye

I agree completely, Religion is everything thats wrong just as we are, Maybe if everyone took a step back and shut-up for a second the answers would become obvious sort of thing.

Religion is a way of controlling people in the lack of an alternative flawless system of morality that neither seeks to control or judge or punish disobedience.

Yeah that kid is gonna get the report of a decade from me

infact i dont know who's mentoring who after today

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by TedHodgson

...if there is hope, it lies in the proles...

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by TedHodgson
reply to post by gemineye

I agree completely, Religion is everything thats wrong just as we are, Maybe if everyone took a step back and shut-up for a second the answers would become obvious sort of thing.

Religion is a way of controlling people in the lack of an alternative flawless system of morality that neither seeks to control or judge or punish disobedience.

Yeah that kid is gonna get the report of a decade from me

infact i dont know who's mentoring who after today

You couldn't be anymore correct sir.. Religion is the biggest propaganda, Fear tactic deployed on humanity today.. People need to realize WE ARE ABOVE GOD... AFTER ALL WE CREATED HIM...

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 12:27 PM
Thanks for posting that, it resonated with something I just posted recently. I think more and more people are starting to wake up and see the realities of what surrounds them.

The title was "A Plea for Help" on ATS in the Short Story area. It talks about the very issue this young person has mentioned.

A Plea For Help

Love, compassion, kindness are often seen as weaknesses in our society today. If a person is cold, self absorb, stand-offish, and focuses on making money at the expense of losing touch with their compassionate side they are hailed as successes, by today’s standards.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 12:29 PM
If you ever had to put up with organised stalking by the police and gov of uk like i have, you soon see what garbage humans are.

I just laugh that these dunces are running society. You people do not realise these people get hardly anything right and they are paid fortunes of your tax payer money.


posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by andy1033

Yeah Andy, Crazy Isnt it!

The only reason i can see that these people are so "In control" Is because they strive to be Noticed and Loved, Where as a Good man will just be happy with what hes got and be content with a select few freinds

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 07:51 PM
without the sun there would be only night!
without no hills I guess the earth would be flat.
if there was no liquid, would we still want drink?
if there is no punishment. we will not do right.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by TedHodgson

That was amazing, I loved reading that. Intresting, im heading to court soon for something i did in the past, i cant say i regret it but it was stupid of me, i say i cant regret it becuz it made me who i am today, and i found love for the first time, cant change that. If we open our eyes and love what we have in front of us and if we dont block out the truth, then we'd be happpy and nothing would be wronge, everyone juss needs to meditate and relax. lol Nice story bud.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by TedHodgson

Wow, that kid sounded word for word like me when I was younger. Hopefully he too learns to grow out of his resentment, anger and frustration for others and their systems, and sees them as himself; suffering from the same afflictions he is susceptible to. Then his compassion can grow and he can possibly become a force of positive change for this world. Discontent is fine, actually it is good, but resentment, anger and frustration are not helpful.

He is not alone, many great people throughout history felt as he does, such as the famous names of; Gandhi, MLK, Nelson Mandela, Buddha, Jesus... insofar as many, many others who are currently alive and for the most part unknown on this planet. In the end it is his decision of whether he wants to remain a contributor to the problem or whether he wants to do whatever it takes to become a contributor to the solution. Maybe if you see him again you can mention this to him. Change IS possible, but you have to see things clearly (rid of these afflictions) and sacrifice much of what others deem as valuable in order to have any positive effect.

I also recommend you learn and practice meditation if you haven't already, it is one of the best therapies/solutions for you to recommend to these troubled kids, as it allows them to figure out solutions on their own. In other words, don't just hand him a fish to eat but also teach him how to fish for himself. That is true empowerment.

Thanks for the thread, S&F!

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

I also recommend you learn and practice meditation if you haven't already, it is one of the best therapies/solutions for you to recommend to these troubled kids, as it allows them to figure out solutions on their own. In other words, don't just hand him a fish to eat but also teach him how to fish for himself. That is true empowerment.

You are wise sir, I do practise meditation to keep myself a Good Person in this Ever diminishing world

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