I really did need a good laugh, so thanks! I laughed hardest at Rudolph's globulating nose...some were a little foul, unintentionally,
obviously...but after a few of those type of typo autocorrects, I would start to think my phone had it out for me and my reputation!
This was so great. I laughed so hard my eyes started watering lol. You made my day, thanks for posting something joyful on ATS to get away from the
doom and gloom
Most of my days recently seem to have been bad ones but I can honestly say after viewing that I literally starting laughing out loud, it's cheered me
I've been laughing at the Damn You Auto Correct! site all morning
By page 20 my stomach hurt so bad I had to lie down for half an hour
If I read all 200 pages today, I might have a heart attack
I sent my Mum a text once asking what my Aunt would like for her birthday. But instead of Aunt it replaced it with C**t. Which didn't go down too
well, even after I explained it was predictive text she wondered why I was regularly using that word...