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Wake Up!!!!!!! Please read if you seek Enlightenment!!!

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posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 01:09 PM
Ok everyone, as skeptical as many of you are that aliens actually exist, you have to open your minds a little more, and look into different places. I know that you all want physical proof that there out there and I agree, but open your minds to the fact that they are here already, and have been here for thousands upon thousands of years. They have been trying to communicate with us this whole time, it's just up to us whether or not we want to. When I say "they" I specifically mean the Pleiades's. They, nearly identical to us, are very spiritual beings, who, among all other extra terrestrials are the ones we should listen too.... Some of you may wonder why we should listen to them over other extra terrestrial's, and the answer is simple. They are our ancestors, brothers, and sisters, and want the best for us. They follow path's of peace, love, happiness and security....Isn't that what many of you seek? If you open your minds to the fact that their is something greater out there, such as a (God, Energy, Light...) and that anything can exist and happen...That we control our own destiny...for the most part...and have everything we need to evolve right in front of us.. You will. Everything you have heard about the world ending due to various reasons, is all a misunderstanding. Even though, it is apparent that something will happen, which it will, it is not going to be an alien invasion that kills us all, or World War III, or Solar Flares and Natural Disasters of epic proportions where we will all die.. It will be enlightenment.......And for those of you who choose not to be enlightened.....Well, you may be victim to the events I just listed. From what I've read, the Pleiades's have technology that could avert these disasters from happening. But we must show them we are loving, caring, peaceful, and happy beings that seek the best for humanity first. It might be difficult to get everyone on the same page, but that is what I'm attempting to do right now, by getting all of you to read this....The answer is right in front of us my fellow humans... We just need to open up and tap into it...

A few things you should consider before I move on;
1) The breach in the earth's magnetic field, that is allowing electric/ magnetic waves of energy into our atmosphere, was planned, with its sole purpose to "wake us up" and get us in touch with these energies. Haven't you noticed all these people "waking up" lately????
2) All the people who claim they're receiving messages through various ways....are not crazy.....Dreams have been a gift from our ancestors that helps connect us with them through our subconscious. Along with mediation, and visitations as well.
3) The government is corrupt....Wars are scandals....we need peace on earth, the government is trying to hide the truth from us because they are afraid of losing there power. When people receive messages and tell us things that some may find "out of this world" we call them crazy, prescribe them to drugs, and label them with disorders....That all needs to stop.
4) Many necessary events are taking place, leading up to 2012, they are all planned, they are happening and have happened.

Our earth is full of energy, once we realize it we will be able to see it and use it in the most extraordinary of ways. Our minds, spirits, souls, and hearts, are more powerful than you think. We can use them to heal ourselves and live for hundreds of years, if not, forever!

We must have no fear, not one little speck....Fear is what is holding us back.... People are afraid to know the truth as much as they want to know it. People have been taught to be afraid by the times we live in, but, in fact, there is nothing to be afraid of. As hard as it may be to wrap your mind about that notion, once you eliminate every little bit of fear inside you, and open up your mind to the cosmos, you will be on the right path to this transformation.

There are signs everywhere you look, that have been here, waiting to be found. We have Pleiades's here on earth, and people who channel them from their respective planets. Look at Jerry Wills for example... He most definitely was brought here, to spread their message! As many of you are aware, there was a thread on this earlier this week.....I watched his interview, along with the other three parts, and was fascinated by what he said! He certainly spreads a positive message in line with that of the Pleiadian's. All of you should watch them, and at the very least, listen and soak up his message. And follow it, and live it.....

part 1:
part 2:
part 3:
part 4:

The Pleiadians have been channeling many people, to get their message spread and known... Barbara Marciniak being one of them.... I find what she's channeled to be very fascinating, and beyond many people's comprehension. Once you open your mind, you will start to be able to understand the truth and validity of what is being channeled. The link below, includes accounts of what she has channeled, and it is truly amazing!!! She has been channeling them since 1988 and has 12 written accounts of what they said.... I've read four of them and plan on reading the rest.. You should read them as well.... It will open your eyes to the truth and prepare you for the next phase of our evolution.......

On that page, at the bottom, there will be links to all the other channeling's as well.... Please read them....

I can assure all of you that over the course of the past 3 month's, I've been going through a process of awakening, and enlightenment, along with all the others who claim so as well... It has finally peaked over the past few days and I am certain I am now enlightened and awake.... I have no more fear, I am happy with myself, my life, I am at peace, I am working on understanding this all further, through meditation, and lucid dreaming which I am looking into. I know that I am ready, and when the time comes I will move on into a different state of being.......

One last thought for you before I leave,
They are our ancestors, I said it before, but consider this.... We have made agreements with them in our past lives, to be with them again. In order to be with them again, we must evolve into the next state of being where we can be with them in peace and harmony....We might not know it now, but when you are Enlightened and over the course of the next few years, we will be reunited!!!

One personally theory of mine, that seems to coincide with the beliefs and notions of the Pleiadians is that those who die before they are enlightened are born again and given another chance to reconnect with our ancestors, and so the cycle goes on and on....over and over again.....

That is all I have to say at this moment in time, I move on through this evolutionary process, I shall share with all of you among many others, my experiences. I hope all of you take something positive away from this message, and take it to heart. Please watch those videos I posted of Jerry Wills, and please take them to heart as well. And don't forget to read Barbara Marciniak's channeling's, you shall be enlightened, if you take them to heart and open your mind......

The truth is right in front of you, you just need to open your minds.....If you look for it, you will find it.... I believe I've found it, at the very least, a portion.

Thank you for hearing me out, I'm sure I'll see all of you who follow, in the near future...

edit on 4-2-2011 by youthsavior because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-2-2011 by youthsavior because: missing word

edit on 4-2-2011 by youthsavior because: wrong title

edit on 4-2-2011 by youthsavior because: change of title

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 02:01 PM
why double post....

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Akragon

it was a mistake, I don't mind if an admin deletes one, preferably the other one, because the links don't work..
edit on 4-2-2011 by youthsavior because: add something

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:00 PM
While I admire your desire for a better world, I would be remiss as your brother if I didn't reply to your OP and tell you that channeled entities are NOT to be trusted.

From your info, youthsavior, it seems as if you don't channel yourself and that is a good thing imo. It hasn't worked out that well for some of the channelers I personally know.

For those that are in true shamanistic contact, I challenge you to get one truthful prediction out of these beings no matter what thought-form they're cloaking themselves with. You can't because they all lie and at some point will lead you astray.

Whether you reject the information or not, I hope you will watch the video series below. I think you will find it interesting either way.

Good luck to you--and all of us--in the trying times ahead. Peace.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:47 AM
I am open to all these claims of ET support and the situation, I am also sceptical. I find it a bit concerning when they try and rub your ego and lay on the guilt for us choosing to be here. The only reason I am certain for being here is my parents had sex, there is some good support for spiritual aspects but still a bit hazy here. Some of these claims of DNA awakening come across more as a scam, I do not fully understand how DNA works, but claims of going from 2 to 12 strands is a but of a stretch. The only way I can currently see this getting implemented is for all 2 stranded DNA to be exterminated and replaced with a 12 stranded system, maybe I am wrong. With claims that we will be free of our bodies, it sounds like an extermination program again.

Just look how much deception plays in our governments, take this to a new level of intergalactic statesmanship and the game gets even more complex. It is good you are looking to see what is out there, just be careful as there is always some give and take in relationships.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 02:18 AM
It seems it is up to one's behavior, if one is caught up into bad behavior, a door can get opened up for Satan and his clan? Satan and his one third of Yahweh's angles that chose to side with him, when his name was Lucifer, when the earth was in the first heaven. Why don't these people who are pushing this stuff, teach what happen on the earth when it was in the first heaven?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by The GUT

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I always hear this talk of how fear of enlightenment or of a higher conscious is what's keeping us from our true destinies. That we shouldn't be afraid of contact with the spiritual or astral realm. It's unfortunate because such an argument appeals to the tremendous ego of our species -- indeed, all arguments presented by the demonic spirits in such realms appeal to our tremendous ego as a species.

Per Ephesians 6:12:

"12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Beware of the deception. I'll be praying for you OP.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by youthsavior

Greetings to you, youthsavior, a Star and Flag for a wonderful, peaceful, and positive message. Thank you. Before I go on, I too am in touch with the Pleiadians, and have been since childhood. Like you, I have attempted to enlighten folks about their extended family and friends, but to some any talk of extraterrestrials quickly labels one a nut case, and in need of mental health right away. I have heard this so many times I can repeat is verbatim, and ofter do. I wish to quote a few passages, and comment:

Ok everyone, as skeptical as many of you are that aliens actually exist, you have to open your minds a little more, and look into different places.

I so agree here. I often state that the Human Mind is like a Parachute, only works when Opened. Many people live in tiny boxes of information, some so tiny they cannot even see out anymore. This was brought about by many things and variables. Such as religious dogma. And electronic toys. The electronics distract one from the Spiritual Aspect of the mind, and as you all know religion teaches that anything and everything is not within, but without. You only get it within by following the rules, set down by the Priests/Ministers. I join in here and also say, Open your Minds, Human Race!

I know that you all want physical proof that there out there and I agree, but open your minds to the fact that they are here already, and have been here for thousands upon thousands of years. They have been trying to communicate with us this whole time, it's just up to us whether or not we want to.

I am with you hear too. How many times have I heard those words. Show me the evidence! I'll tell you what, if it were me that has been here for thousands of Earth years, I would have top notch technology that would keep me cloaked at all times, and make certain no evidence was ever left. There was one, an old man was allowed to take photos and speak with a few Pleiads, but he is ridiculed and scoffed at, and people claim it is all a hoax. Even here, in this enlightened forum, trolls still follow anyone who posts such as this and derails everything. don't believe me? Look in the Alien/UFO threads.

They are here, and they are us. And we are they, for a major part anyway. Some of you were formed and altered by other races, for other purposes, and I would say that each faction has a specific mission, whether they are aware of this or not.

If you open your minds to the fact that their is something greater out there, such as a (God, Energy, Light...) and that anything can exist and happen...That we control our own destiny...for the most part...and have everything we need to evolve right in front of us.. You will. Everything you have heard about the world ending due to various reasons, is all a misunderstanding. Even though, it is apparent that something will happen, which it will, it is not going to be an alien invasion that kills us all, or World War III, or Solar Flares and Natural Disasters of epic proportions where we will all die.. It will be enlightenment.......And for those of you who choose not to be enlightened.....Well, you may be victim to the events I just listed.

Great wisdom here, friend. The biggest lie of all is that we die, once that one is known, and overcome, the rest is easy to assimilate. Of the things said that are supposed to happen, I would say they will happen, for those who believe in it. Here is the thing. We of the Human Race are Spiritual Beings, and our minds control what we see and experience in all dimensions except the 3rd dimension, here the reality is mostly controlled by outside forces. Human energy is being harvested, all the time. Especially when the human in question is under severe trauma, being abused, raped, or killed is when the Adrenaline is at it's highest level.

Our earth is full of energy, once we realize it we will be able to see it and use it in the most extraordinary of ways. Our minds, spirits, souls, and hearts, are more powerful than you think. We can use them to heal ourselves and live for hundreds of years, if not, forever!

I agree. Mother Earth is alive, and sentient, intelligent, and loving. The Human Race has been taught for man, many years that anything of a Feminine Nature is not to be trusted, and made to be evil by their very nature. Adam and Eve ring a bell here? Women and all things Feminine are blamed for the Original Sin. If the Human Race were to send Positive, Loving Energy to Mother Earth she could, and would heal Herself. We would have to help, of course. But no, the majority of the Human Race will never do this, they have been trained to direct any energy like this to a Male Aspect, in the form of a Man.

The human mind is the most powerful force in the Universe. By using "The Force," which is the Energy of Love, one human alone can effect change within their own environment. this used to be an accepted thing, in those days it was called "Magick," but all it really is, is the power of the human mind. slowly but surely this was taken from us, the Women who knew the secrets were killed off, and everything of that nature was labeled Occult, Evil, Satanic, Demonic, and Luciferic.
In this way people would fear this knowledge and pay the Priests for blessings from the Deity, and would do penance for minor crimes against the established religion. some crimes were punished by a horrible death, torture, and burning at the Stake.

If every human Being in the World stood at one moment in time and had the Same Thought.....a major change would happen. The human race is being kept from who they really are, instead of being woken up, they are rather encouraged to sleep on, happy and content with their religious inspired "faith," secure in their "knowledge of God." Others are kept asleep by electronic toys, video games, computers, cell phones, and so on. These things are pushed upon us, and we greedily accept them as such. Communication can be done without phones and computers, we can use our Minds, Telepathy.

On Alien Intentions:
We cannot determine alien intentions until after working with them long enough to see what they have to offer, anything sooner is jumping to conclusions.

The more we learn about the alien presence, and their possible motivations beforehand from the mountains of evidence and research already available, the more discerning and astutely perceptive we will be when it comes time for contact and negotiations. In other words, we will more quickly discern alien intentions if coming to the table fully prepared, perhaps quick enough to avert what could be disastrous commitments. Eisenhower made this mistake in 1954. We all need to postpone any judgment we may have until long after numerous agreements, and relations with alien factions have already been fully established, which may be too late if the alien faction in question is particularly persuasive and invasive.

Our lack of understanding is what leads to mis-perceiving alien methods as being hostile. We are like scared animals resisting the help of a kind veterinarian. ETs are here to teach us, and our irrational fear of them is what keeps us from learning.

There is a difference between a blind fear reaction to something unknown, and the discovery of alien skulduggery after years of research. Here is a good page to read on this:
The Alien Agenda

Lastly, the other primary final scenario player is the “shadow government” which includes the military-industrial complex, corrupt political cabals, black ops military networks, certain secret societies, and various corporate and scientific conglomerates. While there may be internal divisions among them, (I think there is much dissent among them) overall it appears they are functionally complicit with the alien agenda. Either they have realized that they cannot beat dimensionally superior forces and have joined them in return for preservation of power through the coming times, or else they are desperate enough to try to overtly seize world power and buck the alien controllers by force, which would fail and play right into alien hands.

For those interested parties: All Reptilians are not our enemies, some in fact like humans and want to be like we are. All Pleiadians cannot be fully trusted, some have their own agendas. None can be trusted fully to be "on or side" until evidence is shown that they are on our side. The Triangle UFOs people have been reporting belong to US Military, they are ours. These are the result of back engineered spacecraft that either crashed, or was shot down, and many have been shot down over the past 50 years. Trust your instincts, not books, not people, and especially not everything your hear about it. The ones who screams the loudest that there are no aliens are the ones who know not one thing about it.
Don't shoot at them, think of it this way, if they really wanted to invade and enslave us all, don't you think they would have done this many years ago, before we developed weapons of mass destruction? By the way, a nuclear war will not be allowed to happen. So you can stop worrying over that.

One more link:

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Greetings to you too my friend! Thank you for your input, advice and understanding. It's not to often if at all that someone offers what you have. I am very delighted that you have responded to my message and I am hoping this message spreads far and wide. Feel free to message me or post on here if you wish to communicate further. I'm "technically" at work, or I would provide a more substantial response.

Once again, Thanks and Peace!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by newnature
It seems it is up to one's behavior, if one is caught up into bad behavior, a door can get opened up for Satan and his clan? Satan and his one third of Yahweh's angles that chose to side with him, when his name was Lucifer, when the earth was in the first heaven. Why don't these people who are pushing this stuff, teach what happen on the earth when it was in the first heaven?

Friend, not to flame your post, or insult your religion, but, the entity you know as Lucifer is not a devil, he is an ET being, and he came here to bring humanity light and knowledge, which he accomplished well, but got a bad name for doing do. Satan, and Yahweh are what is known as the Annunaki, from Nibiru, and both are of the Saurian Race. Both, and some others posed as Gods in most every known Culture and forced enslavement of the human race, which were basically bred as slaves in the first place.

That being said, the Afterlife is whatever you choose it to be. If you choose to live in a world filled with devils and demons, on your knees for years worshiping a Master that does not deserve it, go ahead, that is your, and everyone's choice here.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
That being said, the Afterlife is whatever you choose it to be. If you choose to live in a world filled with devils and demons, on your knees for years worshiping a Master that does not deserve it, go ahead, that is your, and everyone's choice here.

Hey, I am agreed on make the Afterlife what you want. However, are you saying Prime Creator is not worthy of worship?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 07:32 AM
If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say that enlightenment, transcendence or transformation is coming soon, I would either have several hundred dollars by now, or I would have zapped off into xanadu or whatever state of enlightenment they proclaimed was coming. I worked in a crystal shop in the early 90's and these type of 'enlightened' folk were our everyday clients. I was always hearing of revelation this, enlightenment that and none of those people ever really came to anything.

Another angle to look that this from: If these beings were truly enlightened and really really knew the human race, why wouldn't they come back as figures of world religion? There are loads of faiths, Christianity included that are awaiting the return of their holy men.

If we take the model of Christianity (the one that I know so can reference for this argument) we expect things like you are talking about to happen. Right now (well for a while actually) we have been seeing a number of signs indicated in the good book that are coming to life like pages from a play manuscript. These signs are all pointing to a climax in human society. One that will not be pretty, but one that ultimately leads to the kind of enlightenment you seek, but from a different source.

I am not having a go at you, nor am I trying to shove anything down your throat. But keep searching, you are on the right track in seeking love and enlightenment, but question your sources more closely.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 03:50 PM


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