reply to post by youthsavior
Greetings to you, youthsavior, a Star and Flag for a wonderful, peaceful, and positive message. Thank you. Before I go on, I too am in touch with the
Pleiadians, and have been since childhood. Like you, I have attempted to enlighten folks about their extended family and friends, but to some any talk
of extraterrestrials quickly labels one a nut case, and in need of mental health right away. I have heard this so many times I can repeat is verbatim,
and ofter do. I wish to quote a few passages, and comment:
Ok everyone, as skeptical as many of you are that aliens actually exist, you have to open your minds a little more, and look into different
I so agree here. I often state that the Human Mind is like a Parachute, only works when Opened. Many people live in tiny boxes of information, some so
tiny they cannot even see out anymore. This was brought about by many things and variables. Such as religious dogma. And electronic toys. The
electronics distract one from the Spiritual Aspect of the mind, and as you all know religion teaches that anything and everything is not within, but
without. You only get it within by following the rules, set down by the Priests/Ministers. I join in here and also say, Open your Minds, Human Race!
I know that you all want physical proof that there out there and I agree, but open your minds to the fact that they are here already, and have been
here for thousands upon thousands of years. They have been trying to communicate with us this whole time, it's just up to us whether or not we want
I am with you hear too. How many times have I heard those words. Show me the evidence! I'll tell you what, if it were me that has been here for
thousands of Earth years, I would have top notch technology that would keep me cloaked at all times, and make certain no evidence was ever left. There
was one, an old man was allowed to take photos and speak with a few Pleiads, but he is ridiculed and scoffed at, and people claim it is all a hoax.
Even here, in this enlightened forum, trolls still follow anyone who posts such as this and derails everything. don't believe me? Look in the
Alien/UFO threads.
They are here, and they are us. And we are they, for a major part anyway. Some of you were formed and altered by other races, for other purposes, and
I would say that each faction has a specific mission, whether they are aware of this or not.
If you open your minds to the fact that their is something greater out there, such as a (God, Energy, Light...) and that anything can exist and
happen...That we control our own destiny...for the most part...and have everything we need to evolve right in front of us.. You will. Everything you
have heard about the world ending due to various reasons, is all a misunderstanding. Even though, it is apparent that something will happen, which it
will, it is not going to be an alien invasion that kills us all, or World War III, or Solar Flares and Natural Disasters of epic proportions where we
will all die.. It will be enlightenment.......And for those of you who choose not to be enlightened.....Well, you may be victim to the events I just
Great wisdom here, friend. The biggest lie of all is that we die, once that one is known, and overcome, the rest is easy to assimilate. Of the things
said that are supposed to happen, I would say they will happen, for those who believe in it. Here is the thing. We of the Human Race are Spiritual
Beings, and our minds control what we see and experience in all dimensions except the 3rd dimension, here the reality is mostly controlled by outside
forces. Human energy is being harvested, all the time. Especially when the human in question is under severe trauma, being abused, raped, or killed is
when the Adrenaline is at it's highest level.
Our earth is full of energy, once we realize it we will be able to see it and use it in the most extraordinary of ways. Our minds, spirits, souls, and
hearts, are more powerful than you think. We can use them to heal ourselves and live for hundreds of years, if not, forever!
I agree. Mother Earth is alive, and sentient, intelligent, and loving. The Human Race has been taught for man, many years that anything of a Feminine
Nature is not to be trusted, and made to be evil by their very nature. Adam and Eve ring a bell here? Women and all things Feminine are blamed for
the Original Sin. If the Human Race were to send Positive, Loving Energy to Mother Earth she could, and would heal Herself. We would have to help, of
course. But no, the majority of the Human Race will never do this, they have been trained to direct any energy like this to a Male Aspect, in the form
of a Man.
The human mind is the most powerful force in the Universe. By using "The Force," which is the Energy of Love, one human alone can effect change
within their own environment. this used to be an accepted thing, in those days it was called "Magick," but all it really is, is the power of the
human mind. slowly but surely this was taken from us, the Women who knew the secrets were killed off, and everything of that nature was labeled
Occult, Evil, Satanic, Demonic, and Luciferic.
In this way people would fear this knowledge and pay the Priests for blessings from the Deity, and would do penance for minor crimes against the
established religion. some crimes were punished by a horrible death, torture, and burning at the Stake.
If every human Being in the World stood at one moment in time and had the Same Thought.....a major change would happen. The human race is being kept
from who they really are, instead of being woken up, they are rather encouraged to sleep on, happy and content with their religious inspired
"faith," secure in their "knowledge of God." Others are kept asleep by electronic toys, video games, computers, cell phones, and so on. These
things are pushed upon us, and we greedily accept them as such. Communication can be done without phones and computers, we can use our Minds,
On Alien Intentions:
We cannot determine alien intentions until after
working with them long enough to see what they have to offer, anything sooner is jumping to
The more we learn about the alien presence, and their possible motivations
beforehand from the mountains of evidence and research already
available, the more discerning and
astutely perceptive we will be when it comes time for contact and negotiations. In other words, we will more
quickly discern alien intentions if coming to the table fully prepared, perhaps quick enough to avert what could be disastrous commitments.
Eisenhower made this mistake in 1954. We all need to postpone any judgment we may
have until long after numerous agreements, and relations with alien factions have already been fully established, which may be too late if the alien
faction in question is particularly persuasive and invasive.
Our lack of understanding is what leads to mis-perceiving alien methods as being hostile. We are like scared animals resisting the help of a kind
veterinarian. ETs are here to teach us, and our irrational fear of them is what keeps us from learning.
There is a difference between a blind fear reaction to something unknown, and the discovery of alien skulduggery after years of research. Here is a
good page to read on this:
The Alien Agenda
Lastly, the other primary final scenario player is the “shadow government” which includes the military-industrial complex, corrupt political
cabals, black ops military networks, certain secret societies, and various corporate and scientific conglomerates. While there may be internal
divisions among them, (I think there is much dissent among them) overall it appears they are functionally complicit with the alien agenda. Either they
have realized that they cannot beat dimensionally superior forces and have joined them in return for preservation of power through the coming times,
or else they are desperate enough to try to overtly seize world power and buck the alien controllers by force, which would fail and play right into
alien hands.
For those interested parties: All Reptilians are not our enemies, some in fact like humans and want to be like we are. All Pleiadians cannot be fully
trusted, some have their own agendas. None can be trusted fully to be "on or side" until evidence is shown that they are on our side. The Triangle
UFOs people have been reporting belong to US Military, they are ours. These are the result of back engineered spacecraft that either crashed, or was
shot down, and many have been shot down over the past 50 years. Trust your instincts, not books, not people, and especially not everything your hear
about it. The ones who screams the loudest that there are no aliens are the ones who know not one thing about it.
Don't shoot at them, think of it this way, if they really wanted to invade and enslave us all, don't you think they would have done this many years
ago, before we developed weapons of mass destruction? By the way, a nuclear war will not be allowed to happen. So you can stop worrying over that.
One more link: