posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 08:58 PM
Not trying to knock you, but the % of Egyptians who actually protested is a pretty low proportion of their total population. Infact, it hasn't even
exceeded the relative proportion of people who marched in the UK against the protest of the Iraqi war, or if it has, it's not by much. Granted, these
Egyptians are a little bit more resolute, but protests/uprisings like this aren't really that new.
I would also add, there's no guarantee that what happens after Mubarak leaves will be any better than what happened prior. Though these protestors
are united in their goal of removing Mubarak, they are very much split as to what they want to happen after. There are 26 political parties,
Al-Jazeera kindly informed me yesterday, and you can bet they all, or at least the majority, are going to want a piece of the pie, so it's not a
collective conciousness at all.
Welcome, anyway