I found some videos on a Youtube channel by PatriotNurse and thought they could be very helpful in a true emergency situation where proper medical
care is not available. This could happen due to natural disaster or social upheaval, both of which seem to be looming close by in many parts of the
PatriotNurse discusses the actual shelf life of certain pharmaceuticals which as it turns out are viable long past their posted shelf life. This
information was gleaned from a study done by the military in an attempt to cut costs at dispensaries.
As is turns out, there are many drugs which are not efficacious after their posted shelf life. It may be vital to know which are and are not if
you are faced with a situation where you have no other options to use what you have on hand.
Sunlight, temperature and humidity can also affect the shelf life of drugs and these factors should also be factored in.
I really like PatriotNurse as she seems very well informed, speaks well and has a great smile. And what man doesn't like a woman who sometimes wears
a Glock sweatshirt ?
Please pay special attention to her disclaimer which states that she can not be held responsible for any illness or injury incurred by use or misuse
of this information.
Just like in a real survival situation you are responsible for your own actions
I tagged this video along as I felt it was close in theme to the first. PatriotNurse talks about the 5 most valuable antibiotics to have on hand if
the SHTF.
I watched some more of her videos they were pretty informative. The ability to obtain and store meds will mean life or death. Staff infections are so
easy to get now a simple cut can be fatal without the right antibiotic. I know 2 people that almost died from it. What will happen if we don't have
the right meds?