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Oil is not dead Dinosaurs!!!

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posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 12:23 PM
OK Ive seen this too many times in the last few days reading about the War in Iraq and other topics. Oil is not made from dead animals, it is created by rapidly buried and slowly cooked and decomposed vegetable matter or deep see organic accumulation of planktom and algae. Chlorophyll the photosynthetic substance in plants has a very similar chemical formula to hydrocarbons, it is still unclear exacly how the conversion process works but I assure you it is not made from animals.


Petroleum- Composed of paraffins, aromatics, naphthenes, and other assorted compounds. Basically the decomposition of the chlorophyll along with other metals, and assorted elements which may be in the surrounding rock.

A guide to Hydrocarbons

Now Im not saying NO animals fall into these plant beds and are incorporated, because of course if the plants were rapidly buried, it is most likely that some animals were as well but ANIMALS DO NOT constitute a majority of crude oil, not even a measurable percentage.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 12:30 PM
Dude this is old info. Everybody knows that its plants that make this up. Check out the coal mine exhibit at the Chicago Field Mueseam of Natural History. Don't worry society isn't as dumb as you think. On second thought it probably is.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 12:39 PM
ahh but it seems they are this dumb, check out any of the threads on the war on terror or the middleeast. I know its old info, Im a geophysicist in the oil industry. Unfortunately the public school system is letting more and more people graduate with less than adaquate knowledge of how the world works. Im trying my best to deny ignorance for everyone in this little corner of common knowledge.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 12:52 PM
I doubt that hydrocarbon formation is due to decomposing plant life under heat and pressure. I created a thread some time ago called Oil is from Asteroids not Organics, you may enjoy the read.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 01:11 PM
Very interesting indeed, I will look more into this but it does not refute the theory that organic material makes oil, coal, tar, methane, and other "fossil fuels" I really hate that term. I could show you log evidence of closed reservoirs, be they river sand banks, delta, deep marine trench, lake, salt dome, beach, island, etc where there is a bottom seal, top seal, source bed and reservoir bed. Plants fall in water, get buried, become black shale, cook for millions of years, oil leaches out, goes into reservoir, we drill it, precess it, and make gasoline. It MAY be possible that comets or what have you brought organic carbon to earth, sure Ill accept that but most of the oil we produce is from organic plant material, I can show you plant fossils in surrounding rocks, I can show you how chlorophyll looks like crude oil chemicaly, but ultimately you may believe as you will. As far as depth below fossils, it is true an overpressured rock can hold oil at a depth where it should be cooked out, fractures can allow the oil to sink down to these depths, it doesnt have to form there. Hey we found bacteria at depths where they shouldnt be living off methane in the south african gold mines. That doesnt mean this oil is in situ (in place) it just migrated.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 01:47 PM
I have just submitted this topic to ADVISOR for a research Project, if anyone is interested in joining me please send me a u2u and if ADVISOR allows it I will add you to the team, thanks kinglizard for the inspiration.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 11:30 AM
Well for this project don't you have to be a scholar or something. Plus what would we be looking for exactly.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 11:34 AM
You become a scholar when you do a research project, we would be looking for sources on oily comets and asteroids, checking out this Dr. Gold guy, and looking for hard evidence that oil comes from buried plant material, u2u me for more info.

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