First of all, let me start by stating that the term "Viking" literally translated means "raider".
The correct term is Norse or Norsemen.
Which means one of the North or Northmen.
Most Norse men and women never, may I repeat, never pillaged or raped or burned.
The people of the North were just as peace loving as you or I. Living out their lives much as modern peoples, except for one major difference.
It was a very hard life!
Work started before day light and ended long after dark. After toiling in the fields, chopping wood, tanning hides, hunting food, etc. during day
light hours, most Norse people continued to work long after dark inside their homes and shops.
Doing thing such as sewing, weaving, leather work, carving wood, making candles, and many other chores which could be done after daylight had long
It was not an easy life in an way.
However, the main reason I have written this blog is to help dispel the myth of the Viking horned helmet.
Never in any archeological dig, has there ever been found a horned helmet. The whole thing is a myth popularized by modern art.
There have been many digs, which included whole boats, horses, gold, silver, glass beads, leather goods, steel, fabrics and yes even sacrifices! But
not in any dig the world over have archeologists found a single horned helmet, They do not exist. Not in the Norse culture.
The main use of horns in the Norse culture was for drinking vessels, battle horns and other various tools including needles, combs, ornaments and even
The Norse peoples were some of the most intelligent, artistic and peaceful people the world has ever known.
But they never worn horned helmets!
Note; some of the earliest found steel tools and blades were created and used by the Norse peoples. It is not know whether they invented steel or
learned of it by trade and travel.
The Norse peoples traveled extensively in the Orient and Middle East. Much evidence exists to corroborate this, from Norse burials in the steppes of
China, to the Middle Eastern glass work and Golden Buddhas found in Norse graves.
So the next time you see a picture of a Norseman wearing a horned helm laugh it off and remember the real Norse peoples!
edit on 1-2-2011 by Wardwolf because: Typos again!