posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 12:51 PM
...Still blizzard-like conditions here in NW Indiana...was clear enough earlier this morning to *finally* get the yellow lab to do his business--he
was too freaked out last night!!!
But we did hear thunder last night...actually, pretty cool and amazing!
Apparently, we are getting the "wrap-around" lake-effect bands now...
I need a 4-wheel driver if I am going to live here much longer...I was sliding all over the place in my regular car yesterday chance of
going anywhere anytime soon...and apparently, because it is an official "State of Emergency" driving is now *illegal* anyhow?
Thanks to all for reporting in.
Hopefully, all are safe through this weather debauchle
edit on 2-2-2011 by sonjah1 because: