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Sen. Schumer and the Three Branches of Government: Spoiler!...apparently the Judicial Branch didn't

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posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 01:20 AM
Below you will find the esteemed Senator from New York. At about the 1:00 minute mark of the following video he gives us a little civics lesson....listen in and be amazed!

Now...what is even better is the person conducting the on-air interview didn't step in and correct the knowledgeable senator.

Oh well, we give these folks the reigns...where do you think the country will end up.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 02:11 AM
LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know that the president is his own branch of gov't..................!? Oh I must've slept that day in school. Maybe I should update my facebook page to tell my other idiot friends that are behind on times. My god! it just goes to prove the overly high messiah like aura the people portray of the POTUS. I am ashamed that people are duped into this crap. I wanna resurrect hitler to run our gov't( pplease i am being sarcastic and not meaning to offend anyone). I think people should spend more time in civics or gov't classes in school to fully grasp how our system is set up. Are we like sheep, really?

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by agentblue

I just sent an email. I'm not a citizen of the fine state of New York, but I am her neighbor.

The three branches of government aren't the house, senate and president. It's the executive, the legislative and judicial.

Just a concerned citizen from another state sad to see a senator in my country is ignorant of rudimentary US political science.

Topic was under education.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by agentblue

LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know that the president is his own branch of gov't..................!?

I'm not sure but are you saying you are as ignorant as the Senator? Or did you just make an accidental slip of the tongue (keyboard) like the Senator?

The three branches are the Legislative (both houses of Congress), the Executive (President). and the Judicial (Courts).

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by rnaa

The executive branch consists of a bit more than just the president I think is the point....

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 07:03 AM
Just for the record I thought I would offer the politically correct answer lol

in graphic form lol

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
The executive branch consists of a bit more than just the president I think is the point....

But ultimately the president is the executive branch. When you get down to it, in a constitutional sense, everyone working in the executive branch, is working for the president.

I think Schumer was trying to coin his own metonym.

IMO it's not the kind of screw up the media is making it out to be. It was even a joke on the tonight show.

It's not a Palinesque type of gaff, i.e. sputnik was the fall of the soviet union or whatever she said. (something totally false and betraying a certain ignorance)

What this appears to be, is the MSM trying to act fair and balanced. I suspect this will get far more mileage if you happen to not like Sen Schumer, or "Chucky" as Hannity calls him. I don't like many of Schumer's politics, (he's hardcore pro illegal amnesty) but he's probably one of the more intelligent people in the Senate. He got a perfect score on the SAT. I understood what he meant. YMMV

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 08:21 AM
You really didn't know the President was a branch of government. It's funny that you make the remark that you must have slept through school. I guess you must have because the Executive branch is the POTUS

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by agentblue
LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know that the president is his own branch of gov't..................!? Oh I must've slept that day in school. Maybe I should update my facebook page to tell my other idiot friends that are behind on times. My god! it just goes to prove the overly high messiah like aura the people portray of the POTUS. I am ashamed that people are duped into this crap. I wanna resurrect hitler to run our gov't( pplease i am being sarcastic and not meaning to offend anyone). I think people should spend more time in civics or gov't classes in school to fully grasp how our system is set up. Are we like sheep, really?

I certainly hope that you have not yet graduated high school. I could understand this statement coming from a high school student who had not yet been afforded the opportunity to attend their senior year government class, otherwise, this statement is downright scary.

Chuck Schemer's statement could easily be explained as a simple slip of the tongue. Your statement on the other hand, is a direct confirmation of your apparent lack of knowledge with respect to the three branches of government and the only reasonable explanation for this is youth.

If this is indeed the case, I would advise you to let this be a lesson and be aware that time spent educating oneself about things unknown to them is much more productive than time spent ranting about things which we know nothing about. This is exactly how people like Palin, Beck, Limbaugh and Bachman end up publicly exposing themselves as the ignorant buffoons that they are.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:36 AM
Ok I just watched the clip, he is wrong. From hearing the TV in the other room, Leno was making a fuss about him calling the president the executive branch, but like the thread title says, he erroneously said we have three branches the senate, the house, and the president. Although one could say the judicial isn't really involved in the day to day governing like the other two. Seems like a poor choice of words. He should have simply said the house and senate and president need to act in concert to pass this law to extend the debt.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:54 AM
When the mouth moves faster than the brain, the truth escapes.

I think Schumer, like the majority of elitists in Washington, have come to believe themselves to be above the Judicial branch. In his mind, it is no longer legitimate. This is just another example, like that of Obama publicly chastising the SCOTUS, one year ago during the State of the Union address, for the Citizens United v. FEC decision.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:57 PM
I don't know where to begin... with those who cannot see the sarcasm in agentblue's reply?

Or with those who are arguing a point like this: "The executive branch consists of a bit more than just the president I think is the point." ?

How about the fact that was overlooked by the majority of you: Schumer saying that the 3 branches are the House ( huh???) the Senate ( wha??? ) and the president? Say what?

Boys and girls, the House and the Senate belong to the Legislative branch of our government. They are not seperate branches, as much as Uncle Chuckie would like them to be to satisfy his ego.

So, once again: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches .

Just remember balance of powers, how they are supposed to balance each other to prevent total control of the government.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by mishigas

Exactly and bravo! How easy our attention is drawn away from what should be discussed in light of trying to make another's views and opinions look bad or incoherent.

Speculating I would guess the good Senator meant to say "the three bodies involved....", rather than the "three branches of government are..." I give the benefit of the doubt normally but I am guess he didn't mean the first and definitely meant the latter.

Of course this is the same Senator that is saving us from ourselves and those evil caffeinated alcoholic drinks. Two products that mix well I might add - I would list them, but not sure if that falls under the terms.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 10:54 PM
Well there is a real good chance Schumer will learn what the branches really are soon
On another note if this was Palin making such a statement lots of folks on this site would be chiming in on how dumb she is! Instead we get how this was a slip of the tongue by Schumer.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by hangedman13

On another note if this was Palin making such a statement lots of folks on this site would be chiming in on how dumb she is! Instead we get how this was a slip of the tongue by Schumer.

You earned a Star for that observation.
Palin isn't perfect, but she doesn't deserve the noise she gets here.
edit on 1-2-2011 by mishigas because: typos

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