posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:46 AM
Yeah you are going crazy. You are thinking too much about who knows what, and your life has become a repetitive drag. Time is always slipping by with
every breath, except now for some reason you are taking deeper breaths that just seem to consume more time. I think what can help you is getting
involved in more activities. It lessens the pressure on the mind and you won't be as alert about the time that never actually changes unless you
believe it enough (time is a creation of the mind, and as you grow older until about the time you are middle-aged, it will only seem like it is
speeding up. In other words, this is natural, and you can control time by not biding by it).You will stop thinking about yourself and the depreciating
condition of everything and hopefully more about life rather than existence. Getting personally and intimately connected to other people like you did
when you made your first, second and best friends tends to be the solution to insanity. If connectivity can suppress schizophrenia, Im sure it can
suppress idleness which seems to be your problem. Ever noticed that the less you thought about your purpose in life, the more purpose life had for
you? You are not the substance of life, life is the substance of you. You have no purpose, but life does. Who knows what its purpose is, but you're
not gonna figure it out by sitting around and thinking about it all the time. Life changes incessantly, as will your thoughts about it, so its no
wonder you can't stop thinking about it, you're always having to compensate the changes in your thoughts for the new developments in life...which
never ends. You never knew what the purpose of life was when you were a child, yet you probably got on pretty decently. Life is about making your own
meaning of it. There is no one else that can rightly tell you what the purpose and meaning of anything is, everything is up to you and what you want
to accept as truth. The color red to you might be like what color is presented on a stop sign, but to me, that is blue. Make your own meaning, then
realize that your meaning is not perfect, because you only see life from one frequency, whereas there are 6.5 billion different frequencies from which
to experience life and counting. If 1 frequency is good enough for you, so be it. But the other 6,499,999,999 frequencies are quite extraordinary and
I suggest you tune in to them. Good luck.
edit on 1-2-2011 by asperetty because: (no reason given)