Will You Indeed...
So we know now there is a select group of people that are running things throughout the world. Knowledge is Power and time is running out. But for
whom? For us or for them? One thing is for certain they know what we know because they are the ones in charge of our fundementally fed
education....that is before the internet changed things up a bit. Media, Films, TV and Music are leaving their imprint upon our generation......I
don't claim to have all the answsers but know that they have a grip on science that would blow your mind, and they are not going to be sharing it
anytime soon. Their Powers and their Influence over the World is beyond us all. So should we just give up? NEVER!
I have been in search of truth my whole life. I found few articals (Books, Magazines, Internet etc.) that make a lot of sense and countless others
that don't. I think we can all feel something stirring in the world and strong sense of urgency towards knowlege. That is why many of us come to
sites such as this. Its good that we have these questions and important that we continue to seek out answers that make the most sense. Here are
just some of mine.
1) What do the Illuminati know that we don't?
2) Are Demons real or misunderstood ancient wisdom that perhaps we don't quite understand yet?
3) How was Hitler so intelligent, so much so that The US and RUssian intelligent agencies fought over the captive generals and scientist giving them
the jobs that power our nations today?
4) Is Mysticism an ancient art that can answer some of those questions?
5) Should we believe in God or is Religion just a way to keep people under control?
I am a believer of Science, and believe there is a Fact behind every Truth. Thanks to ATS and countless other avenues we have outlets to explore some
of these. However there is a lot of a Off the wall topics and views that often times get way more attention then deserved here. Don't take my word
for it or anyone elses for that matter. Be skeptical and do your own research.
I have a lot of hope for mankinds future myself and believe there is strength in numbers. However with latest news and recent current events as of
late there seems to be a type of feverish chaos spreading throughout the world. The term Divide and Conquer comes to mind. We should not condemn our
neighbors for their views and/or beliefs. We are all human and we all want the same things out of life. That alone should unite us.
Within the confines of Science everything is connected. EVERYTHING...from the smallest plant/animal to the largest.
A single drop of water like that in my Avatar can become anything within the confines of its enviroment and/or direction.....What will you become?
Here is just one article that I read recently that I felt made a lot of sense. Its kind of long but well worth the time and effort: