Ok if a bird hit a power line which is not the case here it would be extremley obvious.Period.
I also work with high voltage and have so for over 15 years. 1kv up to MV and this is bull# at its finest.
Ok so they flew on a power line. Ok what is the voltage in those said power lines.
A couple of KV no alot more they are stepped down via transformers proir to entering our houses.How about a lot more than that. Now about how much
current would you suspect to flow through those lines. 1 amphere 2 no maybe like 5000, 10,000 or I suspect higher some one correct me please if you
will not sure I dont work on high tension power lines but. The wire is thick and large bigger than 350MCM 00 and so on.
I know if you were to turn on a high voltage source 10kVand used a mere 500ma the bird would most defintly be fried and melted into a kernal. THIS IS
I have seen someone who back into a high voltage source. They backed into a highvoltage source on at 10kv with the max ps output of 300ma. An let me
tell you the flesh was burnt black and there was a huge hole in his ass and the electricty exited his nipple hit the guy next to him and then exited
his foot and blew out a big hole.
So if your trying to tell me that a bird reached across each phase or phase to ground and touched them both which is an impossible fact. What the hell
were they california condors. Are you guys smoking weed or what. And that the birds didn't look like melted smoldered balls of nasty stuff goop.
Come on. If a bird got fried on a power line even if it took a snap it would still have an entry wound and the exit where it went to ground or exit
where it contacted another phase.
Now if a flock flew into the lines and they were within the insulation air gap in between them I could see this happening but it would be obvious
right at the scene and the powerful arc flash bang would have been heard by many goolge arc flash video and see what happens when you cross phase to
ground. I think the company would have seen an anomaly as well . As there would be balls of moltin melted flesh and the people would have know right
These birds looks so normal that they had to do a tox screen and virus testing .
Any intelligent person would say look at them the are smoked and burnt to a crisp no need to test it is pretty clear they were under a power line and
they look fried. Closed case right. NOPE
The people who saw these birds said they looked normal.WTF
My guess someone has a new toy up there which they are testing which they plan on using on us shortly.
stay alert stay alive. Tin hats anyone. or I mean rubber hats. Better yet I think lead would be better protection as RF can do some amazing stuff nad
leave no or very small visible marks.
Any one here work on cell towers.
If so do you know how big the transmitter is kW wise just wondering. I know for phone comms it is probably lower power RF.
My real question is if someone wanted to crank up the power what are they capable of transmitting. For RF and what is the freq band.