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I find comfort being a part of this community

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posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:08 AM
Hi all, I'm fairly new to contributing to ATS but I've been lurking on this site for the past 6 years and my goodness how it has changed. I'm starting to contribute now because I've gained a better understanding of how this world really works.

Where to begin... A little bit about me:

I can remember my thoughts as a child. I always had this feeling that everyone was more than just "workers" in a sense that we were "supernatural." I used to have dreams that were so vivid of myself flying through the skies almost like superman (now I know as astral projection). I would always love those dreams and hate myself for waking up during them as I desperately try to go back to that dream state.

A majority of my close and extended family are successful business entrepreneurs and I've been fortunate to learn from these people. My father raised me with mannerism, anytime I did something wrong he would pull me by the ear to fix it. Even though I may have been angry then, I thank him everyday for making me the man I am today. I've become very different from my friends because of this...

In high school I got along with everyone, I wasn't into sports because I'm not the competitive type. I was into the arts and conformed with the people around me who shared the same interests. I never got into fights either, I thought they were pointless and never resolved anything. When I was in grade 9 I stumbled upon ATS and found all this information that was resonating with my views of the world. I was truly angry with thinking about what my future held for me. I didn't want to go and work, I thought to myself "Why do we live in a world where we have to work to survive?" it didn't make sense to me at all. My father pointed out to me that I should find something that I love so that I would "enjoy working" in the future. (Which was the best advice I've had for choosing a career)

I decided to go to college for Broadcast Television and Videography after graduating high school. I really liked the video camera, I learned the basics of producing television shows and all around new media skills. I noticed myself becoming less and less social as I got older, I had nothing to add to conversations about television shows, movies, celebrities, or sports. I couldn't even fake it to conform and its just not me anyways. I wasn't bothered by being my quiet self but the only girlfriends I ever cared about both said that I don't "open up enough"...I found that quite strange, I think it was because I didn't share their same perception on the world. I got over it.

I had the upper hand. In my eyes, I had knowledge of how this world works and I decided that I would take advantage of that. By the second and final year of my program in college we were required to find a place related in the field of television to volunteer at. I remember walking up to my professor and telling him "I'd like to get into a music television station" to which he replied "I can't give you any referrals so you are on your own" this was my challenge. I took it upon myself to do something great, I had already known about the law of attraction so I set out with a plan. I worked hard for myself, I spent a pretty penny on great looking business cards because I knew that they needed to leave a lasting impression on the holder. I went out to shows, club events, concerts with my camera, capturing and editing videos to later post online FOR FREE. After creating a following I had started getting paid gigs to cover and slowly found myself in an emerging trade of online media. I confronted a major label executive and told him what I wanted to do for him and in turn asked for him to sign off on my volunteer hours. I gave him my card and soon after we began a mutual relationship.

I had the best volunteer gig out of my class. I was brought upon a college battle of the bands tour where I would travel with music label executives to watch bands. The executives would judge and critique each band to compete for a spot on a TV show. I reached beyond my set goals to be honest, I really expected to be a cable wrapper at a music TV station. I was responsible for taping and creating little "webisodes" for each day of the tour. We travelled in a Gibson branded tour bus that had all kinds of guitars mounted on the walls. There was even a sound proof room in the bus...

I've done so much since then and I have been successful at anything I've wanted to do. Even though that I made a life for myself that I enjoy, I am still upset with our socio-economic world. We can make a better life for all of us, we can live stress free if we took the right steps. This is why I have become active. I landed a dream job and even though it was great I still want true freedom. I want to be able to wake up to only have the responsibility of growing and taking care of crops. That's true happiness. That's the world my younger self wanted, and that's the world I still want today.

Peace and Love.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by MSSVBSS

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posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:17 AM
Apart from your career choice and family history... I identify with you almost completely. Thanks you for your time and effort in writing, as well as great introduction.

It pleases me greatly when new-members appear not to be trolls, gramatically-retarded, or extreme in either direction (you know...)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:20 AM
You sound like a wonderful person and I am happy to meet you! welcome!!

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by MSSVBSS

Good introduction.
Welcome to ATS!

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:25 AM
i too am a long time lurker but new member...i've been visiting this site regularly for 4 or 5 years but only recently have begun posting my opinions...i empathize with your position and hope that you have a good time spreading ideas and denying ignorance here at ATS, i plan to.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:30 AM
and wowie that career of yours sounds awesome...i'd love to get to do something like that. i myself am in a metal band ( from virginia, we've been in tons of battle of the bands, and we've also played a spot on our local Warped Tour event, among hundreds of other gigs across a 5 year span of playing shows. we just released our first album in november but haven't signed to a label just yet...check us out and let me know what you think!

p.s. where can i find your webisodes? did you come across any notable bands?
edit on 1/30/11 by metalshredmetal because: ps

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by metalshredmetal

Pathways is awesome! I really like progressive rock.

Here is the Tour Kick-off on YouTube -

I also snap photos -

I've done work for Abandon All Ships, The Envy, Stereos, Zeds Dead, Blake McGrath, Far East Movement and many more...

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 01:10 AM
It brings great warmth to connect with people from different parts of the world. Thank you all for reading

I love the internet

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:26 AM
very cool dude...I wouldn't be surprised if we ran into each other one day.
say, you wouldn't happen to have any spare management company contacts, or tour booking agency contacts, would you? these things are a little hard to find these days, and we could use some new prospects.

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