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Are the riots and political upheaval related to the Zeitgeist and other enlighenment movements?

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posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 07:48 PM
Zeitgeist newest release shows people on tv screens worldwide gathering in mass, rejecting the current system we all live in. Is this all connected? I'm not saying the riots are directly because of Zeitgeist, but more people of the world have woken up from the status quo and found it more than lacking.

We understand how this system works more than any other generation. We understand our money system, our free market system, our religious systems, and our political systems all seem to serve the top 1 or 2 % or the elite.

Are we witnessing the new spirit of the age asserting itself?

edit on 29-1-2011 by LDragonFire because: whooops

edit on 29-1-2011 by LDragonFire because: altered title

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 07:54 PM
"Zeitgeist newest release shows people on tv screens worldwide gathering in mass, rejecting the current system we all live in"

This goes back much further then Zeitgeist ... this i not new , Zeitgeist has nothing to do with whats going on . Iron Clad Rule + pissed off citizens = bad news they put up with i too long market crash bubbels it goes pop eventually....THis was predicted by many its pretty obvioius when you consider history and all ...

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 07:56 PM
Are you insane? Zeitgeist has nothing to do with the revolutions. Zeitgeist (and the venus movement) are a front for the NWO. They want to control what you do, how you live, where you work, and how you travel. This is the same totalitarian regime that the NWO wants.

You really must be deluded if you think what's going on in Egypt has to do with Zeitgeist

edit on 29-1-2011 by FalselyFlagged because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 08:01 PM
It sure is interesting watching in real time the breakdown of the world as we know it!

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 08:07 PM
Definitely not being effected by it at all...

If anything, people ARE becoming more and more aware as the video is viewed and talked about all over. You'll hear it in bars, supermarkets, co-workers, family members, etc... The list goes on because word of mouth also known as communication spreads fast these days.

Unfortunately enough, its not spreading fast enough where outcries of the masses had shown up all over the streets. On top of that poor note, people are also hypnotized by the media, their sitcoms and the economic crisis amongst many other day to day situations. Jersey Shore is too important to miss to watch that youtube video you heard about that same day.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by FalselyFlagged

I don't agree that the Zeitgeist movement is nwo.

The nwo wish to maintain the status quo, to keep things how they have always been. Any change to this status quo would threaten there power base, as any change will have unexpected results. Sudan, Tunisia, Albania, and now Egypt are seeing there citizenry rise up against there nwo puppet masters. Ben Ali, Mubarak, and possibly many other nwo goons are experiencing a huge change in the status quo.

These leaders were not making waves and were not needed to be removed to restore control, this is a real peoples movement that seems to be taking different forms worldwide.

Insane would depend on your perspective?
edit on 29-1-2011 by LDragonFire because: whooops

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

I believe the ZGM was all part of their plan. As they prey on our fears they prey on our dreams and ambitions for a better world. The ZGM presents a very dreamy and positive world view in opposition to the corrupt one we currently live in.

If nothing else remember that the US was founded on freedom and liberty and yet it is now neither of those. It was an illusion to gain acceptance what makes people think the next solution won't be the same? The VENUS project promoted through ZGM is a wary of solutions they are often old problems 2.0

I believe people are waking up to how the system that was built around everyone through force/violence IS NOT WORKING...

I believe that is also, what was intended. I believe the hidden hand likes to use the natural course and predictable patterns of nature to kill several birds with one stone.

I believe they orchestrated 9-11 and intend to eventually have the "truth come out".

-n one false flag ritualistic event they destroyed evidence of their crimes (2 trill missing).
-They provoked irrational emotional thought that allowed the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.
-They instilled a state of paranoia and fear in an entire country of "terrorists" and "terrorism" the likes of which can only be paralleled by children and the boogie man.
-They influenced the function of the countries interests and CARES to one that is very beneficial to the military industrial complex.
-They created an environment so uncertain and fearful that the erosion and destruction of the constitution and peoples rights were considered acceptable.
-They intend for this secret to blow up and kill the last bird on their list
-They intend for the exposure of 9-11 to infuriate (once again) causing people to (once again) act our of emotional distress and play right into their hands.
-They intend for the civil unrest to declare their Marshall-Law and silence those left who will not peacefully accept the new world they planned for them.

And this is all from one event (9-11) and from that event the very predictable reactions of the masses played right into every aspect of their plan.

The "revolutions" and "rioting" you see popping up around the world was intended and will bring about exactly what they want. Egypt is playing into their hands, Greece was playing into their hands, the world will soon be playing right into their hands.

As soon as the world erupts in chaos they will bring order. They tell you this and yet still we react with chaos. The masses knee-jerk predictable patterns of reaction are what allowed ALL OF THIS to take place. Be wary of quick solutions as they were thought of before the "problem" even existed.

The elite have Munchhausen syndrome on an epic scale.

I honestly believe this has all been planned and so long as people act in predictable manners people will be doing exactly as predicted.
edit on 29-1-2011 by Sly1one because: really bad spelling

edit on 29-1-2011 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Sly1one
reply to post by LDragonFire

I believe the ZGM was all part of their plan. As they prey on our fears they prey on our dreams and ambitions for a better world. The ZGM presents a very dreamy and positive world view in opposition to the corrupt one we currently live in.

I disagree. I think the intent is leading us to a awakening that is happening worldwide, people who spend any time online for news and information has become much more knowledgeable how the world works, and these same people have decided the world sucks. . I think Zeitgeist is just one example of how the collective conscience is expressing itself.

If nothing else remember that the US was founded on freedom and liberty and yet it is now neither of those. It was an illusion to gain acceptance what makes people think the next solution won't be the same? The VENUS project promoted through ZGM is a wary of solutions they are often old problems 2.0

Be wary of solutions? I don't agree with you here. The US was founded by Freemasons, and government was based on not being able to infringe on certain rights, but it's all a illusion, we are born as slaves in this system and freedom is a illusion.

I believe people are waking up to how the system that was built around everyone through force/violence IS NOT WORKING...

Yes I agree, see enlightenment groups including Zeitgeist & Venus Project.

The rest of your theory proves we already live in a nwo dominated society.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 10:49 PM
I doubt it the movie just came out...but yeah it's a very uplifting film.

Why are people saying Zeitgeist is NWO? That is the most ridiculous thing...have you guys even watched the movie? NWO and PTB don't want us understanding the faults of the monetary and market systems.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

I think you are misunderstanding me...I'm saying that they plan on people "awakening"...they have built their plan around people awakening and then responding in the very predictable manner that they will...

You honestly don't think they have accounted for people figuring out their game? The people who so effectively have enslaved the entire planet for god knows how long are naive enough to think that eventually at some point people would find out the truth? I personally believe they have accounted for this and have made it a part of their plan...

rioting in the streets this day in age will accomplish absolutely nothing...

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Sly1one
reply to post by LDragonFire

I think you are misunderstanding me...I'm saying that they plan on people "awakening"...they have built their plan around people awakening and then responding in the very predictable manner that they will...

I don't agree when you consider how much time and resources go into today's modern media.

You honestly don't think they have accounted for people figuring out their game? The people who so effectively have enslaved the entire planet for god knows how long are naive enough to think that eventually at some point people would find out the truth? I personally believe they have accounted for this and have made it a part of their plan...

I don't agree but it is possible.

rioting in the streets this day in age will accomplish absolutely nothing...

Tell that to Tunisia, and soon possibly Egypt and a host of other nations.

*edit to add* I do think the elite is intelligent, but grossly out of touch with the average person, so when they go to far, none of the other elite will tell them this is a stupid idea. I think this is what is happening, the world over...They are pushing the limits and the people are responding in mass.
edit on 30-1-2011 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Any perceived victory by the masses will mean nothing when the same old thing is the answer. People want government, they want people to take care of their basic needs so they don't have to. This is why governments exist. The only way "out" is for everyone to take care of themselves and their basic needs and rely on no other man...institution or government.

but this will not be what comes of these riots...people will not abolish governments of all kinds. People will not abolish control, authority, and power. They will rebuild the machine that tramples on them because that is their predictable pattern of behavior...

Order out of chaos, too bad the order that comes from chaos will be no different then the order that brought it...

Egypt will change things to the same old thing, their rioting will be in vain. As will all others, those responsible for the slavery of the world will do as they have always done and what has always worked. The will infiltrate and corrupt so long as there is room for corruption within the design of the country just as they did with the US.

And people will let them because they will believe they won their freedom and the war is over and they are in control now. Once people feel they have control again they will hand it over again and it will take another millenia for them to figure out they screwed themselves....again...

I may sound cynical but I have this gut feeling that the human race has been at this turning point before and we are again.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 08:22 PM
You got to be kidding me, the Zeitgeist Movement is communism, and we all know how communism ends:
Millions and millions of people dead.

Liberalism is the way to go people, and by liberalism I don't mean the new socialistic liberalism, I mean the old classical liberalism. It worked for the USA until it's government got too big and corrupted, people should have overthrown it a long time ago.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by dajoh

No Meritocracy is the way to go. I know many of you haven't heard of this but here's a simple explanation of 'our' view:

Check this site out.

Meritocracy is a structure where a person's talent and goals are supported. As a teenager, I was already discouraged by the school system. I thought it filled no purpose and it didn't lead to anything constructive. I remember telling my friends at the time that it would be great if someone asked us when we were kids what we wanted to be when we grow up and then support us to become just that! Most people thought it was a great idea, but of course, we all felt powerless and I just did what I had to, so I could get out of there. I didn't know, and hadn't heard of, Meritocracy. In my opinion, a Republic which applies Meritocracy would be the best political system I can think of. We want a limited government, both in size and limited by law, so it can leave us alone with its only duty to support and protect us. So how would Meritocracy be applied to a society? I think it would be a great idea to spot a person's talents and goals early in life. Sometimes you can see an indicator already in small kids; you notice what their interests are. These talents and interests should be supported by the whole society, including the school system, so we can, on a collective level, help the individual to become what he/she is best at.

Another excellent site regarding 'our' views on how meritocracy :

The Five Meritocratic Principles
1) It's not who your parents are, it's who you are.
2) It's not what others can do for you, it's what you can do.
3) Sex, race, religion, age, background are irrelevant. Talent is everything.
4) You start from the same point as everyone else, and you go as far as your talents take you.
5) The highest rewards for the highest achievers.

Also one more thing, why are we afraid of a NWO?

Shouldn't that what we strive for? A new world for everyone? Where everyone would be equal?

And no I'm not talking about the crazy depopulation theories regarding NWO I'm talking about a NWO that would bring out the best for all humanity.

I also made a thread regarding the terms NWO and OWO here it is.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Lateralussicksicksick
reply to post by dajoh

No Meritocracy is the way to go. I know many of you haven't heard of this but here's a simple explanation of 'our' view:

Check this site out.

Meritocracy is a structure where a person's talent and goals are supported. As a teenager, I was already discouraged by the school system. I thought it filled no purpose and it didn't lead to anything constructive. I remember telling my friends at the time that it would be great if someone asked us when we were kids what we wanted to be when we grow up and then support us to become just that! Most people thought it was a great idea, but of course, we all felt powerless and I just did what I had to, so I could get out of there. I didn't know, and hadn't heard of, Meritocracy. In my opinion, a Republic which applies Meritocracy would be the best political system I can think of. We want a limited government, both in size and limited by law, so it can leave us alone with its only duty to support and protect us. So how would Meritocracy be applied to a society? I think it would be a great idea to spot a person's talents and goals early in life. Sometimes you can see an indicator already in small kids; you notice what their interests are. These talents and interests should be supported by the whole society, including the school system, so we can, on a collective level, help the individual to become what he/she is best at.

Another excellent site regarding 'our' views on how meritocracy :

The Five Meritocratic Principles
1) It's not who your parents are, it's who you are.
2) It's not what others can do for you, it's what you can do.
3) Sex, race, religion, age, background are irrelevant. Talent is everything.
4) You start from the same point as everyone else, and you go as far as your talents take you.
5) The highest rewards for the highest achievers.

Meritocracy is an ideology, not a type of government.

Originally posted by Lateralussicksicksick
reply to post by dajoh

Also one more thing, why are we afraid of a NWO?

Shouldn't that what we strive for? A new world for everyone? Where everyone would be equal?

And no I'm not talking about the crazy depopulation theories regarding NWO I'm talking about a NWO that would bring out the best for all humanity.

Because a "NWO" includes having just one government for the entire world, what if it gets corrupted?

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by dajoh

As I said that's how 'we' view meritocracy. Meritocracy could be used as a New government type.

Also when a NWO most people would be at the stage of being "enlightened". Another age of "Renaissance" would happen and most people would forget greed and all those sins. Yes it is very dreamy but it is also very possible.

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