posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by GDR3k
Ok, here is where it gets a little bit complicated. First off I need to give you some background on rudimentary Andromedan physics. (Its actually
universal, but since they are the only known race to document it we will stick with it for now.) We tend to think of space as being a space time
fabric which has the effect of producing gravity. Einstein was actually very close to getting this completely right and given a few more years would
probably have nailed this down tight. Add to this theory that of an extra weave in the fabric, that of reality.
It is actually a space time reality fabric, (known as
spatirea) all of which contribute to the effects we perceive as gravity. The reality
layer is much more hard wearing than that of space and time, and at places where this has become stretched and almost threadbare, the whole thing is
held together only by the remaining layer of reality. In other words it maintains the structure of existence where otherwise the whole area would tear
asunder and dissipate into non existence.
The problem is, our solar system lies within one of these threadbare areas. For a long time, beyond our own comprehension we have survived living life
on the knife-edge of existence. Not only that but spatireal thinning leads to other highly irregular occurrences in which the known laws of space and
time break down and we find abnomolies. These have happened and are documented throughout mankinds existence, only now we are finding more and more of
these events happening, and it is becoming so strong that people are awakening and noticing the palpable unreality of everyday life.
If Earth was left where it is within our solar system and not evacuated by our benevolent cold blooded friends then all of our existence would
collapse and human consciousness would become trapped in bubbles of anti-reality for all eternity.
I hope that answers some of your questions.
edit on 3-2-2011 by Moonbeast1111 because: spelling