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Does the 13th amendment make forced Child support illegal?

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posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by korathin

Whatever. Because really no matter what is said you will try and turn untruths to truths and truths to untruths, so everything confirms to your narrowly biased worldview. You make as much rational sense as that feminist troll.

What exactly is so biased that you seem to be so emotional about, did you not say you do not even have kids. So why with all the hoopla about this subject. Like I said no piece of paper or any law or court is going to fix this if the people involved don't get there # together. Is that not what all those systems are for anyways? if # does not work, then a third entity will make it work somehow magically.
And why do you compare me to the feminist lady, I really don't agree on much with them, and there as weird as you are.

Hate to break it to you but the wage gap is mostly caused by women not working as hard or taking time off(In Gen X), picking less profitable careers. In Gen Y there is a very real wage gap of Gen Y women earning almost 1.25$ more then Gen Y men because of gross gender discrimination in the educational system.

So what then? You want to start a some sort of maninst group, so as things become more fair in that department? Have you thought that it might have nothing much to do with all that, just that there are more middle men type jobs out there now a days, that would cater more to the less then physical domains, and that this whole civilization is changing.

Dude your still not getting it. All your "bash the male" style of justice will get you is the really scummy scum involved in a kind of hyper-gammy while smarter males stay away. Leading to de-evolution, propagation of mass poverty and a huge socio-economic mess. In short your guaranteeing a future that looks more like Idiocracy then Star Trek.

I am not bashing males, why would you think that. Though you could be right on the whole leading to de-evolution and a Idiocracy type of society, but then again one mistake you make is that. You assume we aren't in one already, but it can always get worse thats for sure. And I don't think this issue is as big as all that, that it would be capable of destroying civilization as you say. It's just mostly about bad relationships and kids, that it comes down to.

And really Star Trek is that your vision for a better future. "No offence to Star Trek nerds, you all are a touchy bunch" But you got to realize that Star Trek is as silly as Idiocracy in many ways, but whatever floats peoples boats I guess. And for some reason people want to go live in space, in a can, when they cant even live on a planet that offers all they would need, some how they think they will be capable of living in space, in a small cramped space ship, without killing each other, when they cant even do that on earth. But anyways.

It's like your eyes are closed, your ears refuse to listen and your mouth only speaks lies. Can't change the system because of the recession? I hate to break it to you but 80% of the job's lost where male job's. Female controlled sectors of the economy are still solid and expanding at an alarming rate(within another 20 years most lawyers, Doctors and other skilled professions will become female dominated professions). It is like your stuck in the 50's-60's.

Lol is that what your worrying about? Try the total wipe out of this paradigm in more then a couple of generations, and no, I do not believe there will be any favorites. And your worried about more females becoming doctors and lawyers, wtf. And as you can see its starting to begin to start, in that process, usually such things do not go smooth, but we will see.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by Vicky32

Originally posted by korathin
. So the feminist controlled government

Wow, there's paranoid fantasy for you! Sorry, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this...
No government in the world is feminist controlled.

Actually the feminist agenda is a government agenda, he is mistaken its not run by feminists. It's just something that some in government use to get there way, because it pulls on peoples strings. They just manipulate those strings for there personal gains.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird

Originally posted by Vicky32

Originally posted by korathin
. So the feminist controlled government

Wow, there's paranoid fantasy for you! Sorry, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this...
No government in the world is feminist controlled.

Actually the feminist agenda is a government agenda, he is mistaken its not run by feminists. It's just something that some in government use to get there way, because it pulls on peoples strings. They just manipulate those strings for there personal gains.

Because I am not in the USA, I don't really know, but I seriously doubt that your government has any kind of feminist agenda! Mind you, from reading the thread, I have seen that some people have a very strange idea of what feminism is!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Vicky32
Because I am not in the USA, I don't really know, but I seriously doubt that your government has any kind of feminist agenda!

Why do you doubt it so much? Politicians pander to interest groups and feminists are a well-established interest group, they have influenced many government policies.
edit on 17-2-2011 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by SevenBeans

Originally posted by Vicky32
Because I am not in the USA, I don't really know, but I seriously doubt that your government has any kind of feminist agenda!

Why do you doubt it so much? Politicians pander to interest groups and feminists are a well-established interest group, they have influenced many government policies.
edit on 17-2-2011 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

Aye, look how high Obama jumped after the NOW demanded over half the stimulus be spent on women..

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:23 PM

Chicks think they are slick and cohabitate with a partner instead – I made a little bit of side business in Fayetteville doing a few surveillance jobs for cases just like that.

In my case, it is HE who thinks he is slick. He left me for his now fiance who works as a social worker of sorts and makes enough to provide for both of them. He has chosen to work under-the-table for the past 18 months. She supports him, and when he does actually find a job, he thinks he can be smart and work for minimum wages or quit the very first time he sees a payment removed from his paycheck. He asked me to be a stay at home mom and care for our kids while we were married. As the economy declined, and I lost 2 years of job experience, I have become unemployable and have been in and out of homeless shelters. I think that child support should be criminally prosecutable. If I can not provide for our children and they are harmed, I go to prison for neglect of a dependent. If he also fails to provide he should be charged the same. I had a conversation with a friend last night who has custody of his son and he feels as though it is in fact, unconstitutional. I feel that if I can be imprisoned for failure to provide, so should their father. By the way, this same "man" signed off his rights to his older daughter, allowing the maternal grandparents to adopt her... all to get out of child support.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:30 PM
They are basically charging you with a crime of not taking care of your children. It's just another example of the government playing the nanny state. If you are a mother, and the father is basically a loser, I'll skip the embarrassing question and just ask, Why would you want a loser paying to take care of your child? This just guarantees you will never get rid of the father. Because if they pay child support, they have a good argument that they should get some custody of the child.

And obviously if the father is a decent man this whole notion of child support is unnecessary because the father would want to help raise the child. So basically people are once again using the government to force someone they are angry at to be closer to their children. Hmm...?!
edit on 28-8-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by Adamanteus
Section 1 of the Thirteenth Amendment:

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

If one is ordered to pay child support and has no job then they WILL be incarcerated once the amount owed reaches a certain amount.

I have two children and DO Pay my child support (of my own free will) and would never dream of NOT paying it. I was just wondering if this could be interpreted to make forced Child support unconstitutional?

Yes and no. The only way Child Support is legal is if the payee is found guilty of abandonment or some kind of neglect type crime. As the 13th Amendment makes allowances for criminal's losing certain rights.

This would require proof and prevent the states from grabbing the money(our current concept of child support was created to refill state coffers from the cost of welfare for single mothers) easily. So right now they are using the civil court system(which doesn't have the authority to bi-pass the 13th Amendment, only a trial by Jury does).

Some could argue that the entire family court system, since it uses a Civil Court approach(and the Supreme Court has already ruled that Civil court is outside the Constitutional Protections) is an act of insurrection against the USA. Meaning every family court officer and Judge is guilty of a capital offense.

The law's that require a person to be arrested merely force Judges in Civil Court to hold a person in "contempt of Court" for falling behind. And contempt of court wasn't created to enforce court ruling per-se, but to enforce order in the Courts.

Child Support= Welfare paid by Men to predominantly White Women and is useful to get "uppity" black males thrown in prison. Hence who 95% of Anglo/Scott Irish Americans(especially Anglo guy's) will jump up and down in it's defense. because it enables them to "protect their women" and oppress African Americans.
Child Support isn't for the children. That is why the Courts do everything they can to limit non-custodial fathers time, because the more time the Child spends with the mother the more money they get from the federal Government. It is a giant mafia like kick back scheme to finance women's "Independence" via the mass enslavement of males. So that one day soon the system can be declared "unconstitutional", and millions of women will be caught unaware/unprepared and willing to accept anything to survive. Thus enabling the chauvinistic woman hating(to deny women's inherent human rights is an act of hatred) White Knights to roll back the clock.

edit on 30-8-2011 by korathin because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:24 AM
The child support system is a joke.

And while I'm on this topic I'll tell you a joke:

A male a female had a kid. Then they separated. And then the courts said the mother can keep the kid and enjoy all the benefits of having a relationship with the child while the father can just pay her money and NOT see the child!


posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 09:20 AM
I am a woman. And I am a single mother.

And I think that child support should be done away with.

Let me explain.

It is not 'fair' in the sense that men do not have the same reproductive rights as women do. When a woman does not want to be a parent (after a pregnancy), she holds the right to have an abortion or give the child up for adoption, both with no consent from the father.

But when a man does not want to be a parent after a pregnancy, he has NO rights. He is 'forced' into parenthood by the state, and is even jailed if he does not comply.

I'm in college and in my U.S.Congress class, we had to create legislation and have it passed by the class, This was one of the bills I proposed. The women hated me and the men understood. I had to explain that when you deal with legal issues, you must remove your personal pain from the situation and decided what is fair.

Eliminating child support would force women to be more careful with whom they sleep with.
edit on 3-4-2013 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

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