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How Ozzie & Harriet killed America...

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posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 04:18 PM
How Ozzie & Harriet killed America, aka the Rise & Fall of the American Empire.

Since the arrival of the first colonists in the New World, the history of America and it’s citizens has been written in hard work. This continued generation after generation until our ‘Greatest Generation’, the generation that grew up during the Great Depression and then fought and won World War II. Until this point, the ‘American Dream’ did not exist. There was no expectation that each generation would have it better than the one before it.

This changed with our ‘Greatest Generation’, the generation of Ozzie & Harriet, as they vowed that their kids would never see the type of hardship that they had seen growing up, and that their kids would know a better world than they had been left to clean up during the rise of the Axis Powers. So they spoiled their kids, the Baby Boomers. They sold them on this new idea now known as ‘The American Dream’. They protected them from the Boogey Man known as Communism.

What they created was a generation that felt it was entitled to a better life, and that they should not have to work hard to attain it. Before the Boomers, our economy was built first on agriculture, and then on industry. We created something, something tangible. We made things. And it was hard work.

But as the Greatest Generation began to retire from the workplace in the 70’s and 80’s, our economy went from an industrial economy to a service economy. We went from making things to shuffling papers around. It was easier. While those who lost the manufacturing jobs to outsourcing complained, those who shuffled the papers did nothing to stop it. They were entitled to a better, easier life after all.

Americans used to be some of the most disciplined people on Earth. That discipline started when they were children. But the Boomers equated discipline with abuse, and instead of just coming down on those who actually abused their children, they made any and all types of physical discipline ‘abuse’. This mindset has carried on with their progeny, as it is now expected that you ‘reason’ with your two year old when he/she throws a fit. This is about as productive as throwing a designer dress on a crack whore, and expecting her to be magically transformed into a lady.

We used to be a nation that thrived on difficult challenges, now we cringe from anything that appears ‘hard’. We do like to whine about it, though. Our education system is falling apart, but do we fix it? No, we just complain about it, and continuously take money away from it. It’s too hard. Our healthcare system is falling apart, but do we fix it? No, not really. (The Healthcare Reform Act is a joke and fixed nothing.) Instead we just complain about it, and tell ourselves that Universal Healthcare doesn’t work anywhere else, so it can’t possibly work here… instead of doing the ‘American’ thing, and make it work here. We no longer demand better, we just lower our expectations… It's too hard.

Ozzie & Harriet killed America… and Ward & June Cleaver helped them do it…

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 04:42 PM
I think you're being a little hard on the Beaver

Sorry, I just couldn't hold that one back.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
This is about as productive as throwing a designer dress on a crack whore, and expecting her to be magically transformed into a lady.

LOL! I do have to agree though and I'm 19.. I wish my life were indeed harder even though it was growing up in a poor, destabilized family. But that offered growth and now about to push my boundaries to the limits. I do agree though.. I'm easily swayed but I just have an epiphany of sorts. Lots of people use Satan and God for cop outs, but they also use 'bankers' and 'elite' for cop outs now as well.. Just something to think about with the mess we've created. Always throwing the blame onto others but our own selves.
edit on 28-1-2011 by OneLife because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-1-2011 by OneLife because: (no reason given)

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