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Muslims and Incest - Islamophobia and pseudoscience?

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posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:11 PM
A lot of disinfo on right-wing blogs tends to paint the majority of Muslims with an extremist brush.
One noticeable trend is to rely on supposed first-cousin marriage within Islam.
Not only does this allegedly affect intelligence and social behavior, but some of the most staunchly Islamic countries are said to be the result of over 60% incest.
The alleged mental health problems are now claimed to be a major disaster for countries with liberal immigration policies, like Denmark.
Ironically such claims seem to come from groups that associate gay people with mental health issues, and even as Islam is accused of regressive mental issues, it increasingly claims to "heal" homosexuality.
It appears like a mass of accusations and generalizations.
Is the Western right free from mental health issues?
How do Westerners perform with culture shock in foreign countries?
How do other statistics measure up in a more relative explanation?

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

Plenty of states in the US let you marry first cousins. Painting all Muslims with the extremist brush means all white people are Tim McVeigh.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

If these studies are indeed correct, then all the royal families in the world are mental! And no it happens everywhere, Africa and Asia as well so relax.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by halfoldman

Plenty of states in the US let you marry first cousins. Painting all Muslims with the extremist brush means all white people are Tim McVeigh.

I thought Muslim (Islam) was a religion and not a race?

I'm sure there are white Muslims.

But your intentions were good

edit on 28/1/11 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:22 PM
Some of these families are huge, they might have over 20 first cousins from one side only, and they might have only seen each other once. It's a lot to do with culture and trust issues.

So that can make a difference compared western culture where you could just have only one cousin you grew up with and played with everyday.
edit on 28-1-2011 by _Phoenix_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:24 PM
I'm sure you can marry your first cousin in the UK?

Although they (doctors) would advise against in because of medical complications.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by blupblup

I thought Muslim (Islam) was a religion and not a race?

in the context of :

A lot of disinfo on right-wing blogs tends to paint the majority of Muslims with an extremist brush.

But yes, at least you see what I was trying to say, well maybe you didn't. not all arabs are Muslim, not all Muslims are extremists, yet we are being fed daily doses of anti-arab rhettoric that if applied to other races, would make the point i tried to express.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

Oh no I totally get what you're saying and I hate the constant vilification of Muslims... It's awful.

I was merely being pedantic and pointing out that not all Muslims are Non-white...

Don't mind me.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 02:28 PM
Interestingly, while researching psychosis and religion, I came across something called "Jerusalem Syndrome".
It affects Christians, Muslims and Jews who arrive in this city.
Perhaps not directly connected to the thread, but fascinating nevertheless:
I wonder whether it's sometimes not really tied to the energy fields, or something imposed on us by the NWO.
How can so may people feel almost hysterical about a place they've never been, and most will never go?
It's like the symbolic powder-keg that stands between civilizations.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 03:11 PM
The world is basically one ball of incest, Maybe that's why we're all crazy?

On a more serious note, All they do is adding more fuel to the fire. Making people hate Islam more and more and ATS please mark my words I've repeated this many many times before. Next up will be the Chinese, Now China has one of the largest Muslims populations in the world and they may use this as a transaction for their hatred and discrimination. People usually inter marry to maintain power or wealth, It may cause some health issues but has nothing to do with Islam just personal preference for the individuals/groups stated.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by halfoldman
A lot of disinfo on right-wing blogs tends to paint the majority of Muslims with an extremist brush.
One noticeable trend is to rely on supposed first-cousin marriage within Islam.
Not only does this allegedly affect intelligence and social behavior, but some of the most staunchly Islamic countries are said to be the result of over 60% incest.

They are talking about first cousin marriage, which is not incest.

Marrying a first cousin is usually fine, provided that does not occurr too often in the one lineage. However there are communities, and some of these are Muslim communities within Pakistan, where first cousin marriage has happened so frequently everyone in the community is so closely related recessive genetic problems have become rampant.

The commonest cause of this is isolation, and isolation can be the result of beliefs as well as physical factors. The tendancy to arrange marriages with people close-by compounds the problem.

I spent part of my childhood in a small, (population ~ 300,) remote Australian town which had a similar inbreeding problem. The average IQ of residents was low, they tended to be short and unhealthy, many children were dying of hole in the heart, and the local people were despised by residents of the closest towns.
It sounds like I'm knocking the place, but I had good friends there, and still respect the people I knew.

Inbreeding is a serious problem, but there is no reason, afaik, to believe it affects more than a small minority of Muslims, and it also affects some non-Muslims.

Ironically such claims seem to come from groups that associate gay people with mental health issues, and even as Islam is accused of regressive mental issues, it increasingly claims to "heal" homosexuality.

They are right. Dangle someone from a rope for long enough and they stop engaging in homosexual sex . . . or any other kind.
- I'm not recommending the practice. I'm speaking with bitterness that such horrible things are done.

It appears like a mass of accusations and generalizations.

Ever read the PNAC documents?
Powerful people from the American-Israel power bloc want constant war between the western and arab worlds. When the Arabs do something wrong they see the western media trumpets the fact, and if the Arab world does nothing wrong we'll do it for them in their name.

Is the Western right free from mental health issues?

Just look at the anti-depressant and ritalin use in America for your answer.

How do Westerners perform with culture shock in foreign countries?

I don't like the propaganda against Muslim countries, but I wouldn't want to live in one, and neither would the Muslim women I know who have lived in them.

However they'd have more chance of progressing if we stopped blowing them up, funding the worst, most radical form of Islam and making them hate westernised culture. Iraq was a much more peaceful, westernised place before 2003, and that was after we'd already done their society great damage.

How do other statistics measure up in a more relative explanation?

Statistics can be measured up to prove whatever bigotry a person wants support for.
One can only understand cultures by getting to know individuals from within them.

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by halfoldman
A lot of disinfo on right-wing blogs tends to paint the majority of Muslims with an extremist brush.
One noticeable trend is to rely on supposed first-cousin marriage within Islam.

This is where I would like to point out that here in New Zealand, it's very recent (only in the generation most exposed to the American culture in TV and film) for people to have any problem with first cousin marriage.
To me, it's just absurd to refer to cousin marriage as incest.
Years go, my much younger brother thoughtlessly said to his girlfriend, about someone who'd done something stupid "His parents must have been cousins".
She was most unimpressed as her parents were cousins. I believe one set of my grandparents or maybe my great-grands were also cousins.
It's no biggie - in fact, first cousins share considerably less genetic material than is commonly believed. (1/8th from a link I have just seen, so 12%).
In short, the risk of intellectual or physical handicap (what Americans call retardation) is no greater than 1 or 2 % more than from marrying a random person, and less than that faced by people who marry within tight kinship groups (such as the Amish).

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:58 AM
I was just reading on Foucault and how many French intellectuals supported revolution against the Shah in Iran, and how they were then sorely disappointed when the Ayatollahs took control.
Everybody in the West blames this theocracy on the CIA and the West.
Is this really fair?
I've come to believe the opposite.
I think even a lot of Christians in the US would like a "Christian dictatorship".
That would be a very patriarchal system, where inside marriage is preferred to choice.
Alternatively, perhaps it is essential to dominant heterosexuality to have child-brides and incest along tribal lines?

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