posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 10:43 PM
If there was a huge batholith there should be a huge rim where the edge of it was. I can show you a topographical map of the ocean floor which shows
no batholith rim, but it does show an oceanic ridge that could have been exposed during the iceage.
Also, South America is supposed to fit Platos description, but to a factor of 2. This would make sense because in South America some cultures counted
in base 20, which means they didn't carry a number until they got to 20, instead of 10. They'd write 10 when we would be writing 20, etc. So
Atlantis according to some theories (which I do not entirely agree with) coudl be South America.
I am growing more and more attatched to the idea that Atlantis is an amalgam of stories. The description of South America incorporating aspects of the
formerly exposed mid-atlantis ridge, with the civlization drawn from lost Greek city-state that was destroyed in the wars surrounding the time of
Troy's fall.
The idea of Atlantis as an amalgam is furthered by the form of the reference to it from plato (it is described in Critias and appears to be an
illustration preceeding some arguement regarding the gods, which is never presented because the work is incomplete.) Is it any stretch to imagine that
a person making a hypothetical arguement might borrow aspects from several memorable tales or facts to create a more relevant example?
Suppose I wanted to show you the dangers of organized crime, political corruption, and over-urbanization: I could tell you about the city NewLosCago,
located on the Potomac River and serving as the capital of the North American UN Protectorate. I'm mixing the names and details of New York, Los
Angeles, Chicago, and Washington DC, and I'm forgetting about the past nation in which it happened- translating it into the new (imaginary future)
country that occupies the same region.
Later, when part of my book is gone, people can read about the things that happened to Newloscago of the North American Protectorate in ancient
history (before the protectorate even should have existed) and everyone will argue about the several possible sites- since Los Angeles, Chicago, New
York, and DC all seem to fit the bill.
This reminds me: I actually do know how Chicago got started. A bunch of people from New York got together and said, "the over-crowding and crime is
nice, but it isn't cold enough".