posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 06:36 AM
I think that the reason the UN does not represent Taiwan is because China has a permanent seat on the UN security council and therefore has a veto of
any UN initiatives such as allowing a new member such as Taiwan, and this is because Beijing does not recognize the soveriegnty of Taiwan.
I think that if the Chinese want to take back Taiwan it would be a good policy to show arms and support Taipai in its attempts to thwart an invasion.
But only with money and perhaps weapons. Perhaps even sending warships to the area, but if the Chinese still in the face of the threat of war do
invade, then the forces, whereever they come form, US, Brits, etc..., should back off, therby sending the sign that they recognoze the Chinese claim
to Taiwan but any further acts of so called imperialism in the area with be met with military resistance.