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The real-life Robin Hood - This story will make you laugh, cry and cheer all at the same time.

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posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 06:23 AM
If you are genuinely applauding kidnapping, armed robbery, extortion and murder and you can’t see what is wrong with this then you are a moron of the highest order and I sincerely hope the sentiments in this thread come back to bite a few people.


I may not have the means to help that particular child or other children far from where I live

Yes you do, at the very least you could give the money it costs you to access the internet to charity; that alone could save a life.

But I think the point is if someone is less well off than you, and they do exist, was to rob you at gun point would you be on here praising their actions? Would you f***!

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by Ghandi

Early 1900s? Someone needs to check their history.

And this is a different situation. Being held in Subjugation and fighting for freedom is in fact the exact opposite of holding someone in subjugation for their money..

I can't see this guy as a hero.

so the french revolution was a bad idea.. i mean,... you know the peasants sick and tired of eating the hoofs and intesties of animals while those living in wealth and eatting high on the hog..........littlerly ...were wrong for rising up against ??

CEO are no different........those CEO's who make over $500,000.00/yr...............ALL CEO's s/b capped at 200,000/yr....period..
if they can't live a life style of 200k a yr.. they need to change their lifestyle ..

this guy is my new human hero of the freaking decade........

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by Topsy_Cret
However, it is not like this guy is stealing from lots of people just to become rich himself.

Then, he'd take that bling, keep a small percentage of it for himself, and distribute the rest of his newly-acquired wealth to impoverished farmers of the tiny rural province in which he grew up.

Guess you missed that part!!! Given the "unbiased" nature of this article, I am sure that small percentage is indeed very small.......

Come on!! What we have here is a criminal smart enough to understand that if he is going to do stuff like this it comes in handy if you have a majority standing behind you and cheering you on.....

I swear this world is in desperate need of heroes!! Granted, had we've had villains running around like Dr.Evil, King Pin and The Penguin, than yes, we would not have a discussion about wrong vs.'s just that real life isn't that simple.


posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by Komodo were not talking to me. Sorry 'bout that.

edit on 28-1-2011 by operation mindcrime because: mistake

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:31 AM
ohh.. and would be better to stone/kill a woman for adultery (though nothing is mention about the man being stoned to death also) or let her go free and forgive her?

Exactally~!! Same thing here, IMO. He's NOT murdering anyone, or harming them in any way IMO, according to the article. So, should we allow anyone to just start holding CEO/bigwigs hostage and go on a CEO hunt?? NEVER~! I believe he was trying to make a point, and if it's not obvious to all, then you should go back and re-read the article till you do.

So, here we have a unique situation, I can almost here it in court Judge Judy.....

Judge asking the hostages(plaintiffs) "so he didn't harm you in any way and actually treated you with complete respect, well fed and allowed to sleep and wake normally, and the only thing he wanted was your money to feed your neighbors which were the poor people that put food on your table?"

Hostages "*crickets*................................yes.........."

Judge; "So, you were aware of the poor farmer neighbors barely making it by to feed themselves and you as well, but didn't think to stop and ask if you could help in anyway.......and you .......drove by many times??? "

Hostages " many to count? "

Judge "and all he wanted was your money, how much do you make in a year?

Hostages "500,000...................................

Judge " US dollars I presume....."

Hostages "...............................yes... "

Judge to VP & friends "and you did this to feed the poor?"

VP "yep.......sure did":

Judge "why ?? !"

VP.."because no one else will?? "

Judge to plaintiffs... "So, the damages encured to you would be such that you wouldn't be able to make any household bills, and your standard of normal living would dimish to a point where you would be kicked out of your house and essintally put out on the street?? or would the insurace company re-imburse you.. ?"

plaintiffs..." would be the 2nd option your honor.....we'd be embursed for the full amount"

Judge to VP..."so why did you escape the prison even though it was wrong"

VP to Judge..."hmmm..because i just couldn't allow myself to live like the farmers were, living in a prison as well and they kept telling me they'd always like to 'escape' .......

Judge to plaintiffs "how do you feel about this, knowing your fellow countrymen are living day to day on the animals and soil as well as trying to make a living to put food on your table as well, and you pass by watching them ride a horse to town because they don't have the $$$$ to pay for the gas to get to town as you pass by them?"

plaintiffs." ............sad..........your honor"

Judge to plaintiffs "...........I would hope so,"

Judge to VP...."you broke the law, but, I see no harm as been done to any of the parties, except for the insurance companies, and thus, you'll will go on probation for 2 years, if in that time, you should ever do this again, you will recive maxium sentence, of 10years."

Judge to plaintiffs " since you are reimbursed for the damages, I would only hope that you take a look around you alot more and take the inititive to stop and ASK your hard working neighbors if they need a hand up"

plaintiffs to Judge "so we should just throw our hard earned earnings we have saved to all of our neighbors? Great~! Then EVERYONE will be expecting a handout........"

Judge to plaintiffs "well..........don't you expect them to work just as hard to put food on your table and everyone elses ?? How about about we start putting the names of the farmers on the food/milk we buy and then put your group of donors of financal assistance next to them and give both of you rewards for assisting each other by some sort of city reward like send you both on a 3 day cruise of your choice of something? See that way, everyone rewards's a win/win"

Judge.."BAM* dismissed"

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 08:09 AM
Originally posted by Komodo

I am still searching for the /sarcasm tag, I believe you forgot to add it!! If this post was sincere than it came across as either really naive or really insane........

I believe he was trying to make a point, and if it's not obvious to all, then you should go back and re-read the article till you do.

I did.......5's what I see....

Vassilis' story starts back in the early 90s, when he went on an insane crime spree of delicious armed robbery, blackmail, extortion, and kidnapping.

Then, he'd take that bling, keep a small percentage of it for himself, and distribute the rest of his newly-acquired wealth to impoverished farmers of the tiny rural province in which he grew up.

steal from the rich, give to the poor, make a profit in the process

He was trying to make a point??? I believe he was not trying make a point, he was trying to make a profit!!

On top of that, it wasn't even divided evenly among the poor, no sir, he chooses who gets to share in the profit...

the tiny rural province in which he grew up

Now how big is the chance that most of the people he helped out were personal friends??

(Hey, if we are gonna speculate, I want to join in.)

To the rest of your post I just have to say...



(still looking for that /sarcasm, please tell me you forgot to add it)
edit on 28-1-2011 by operation mindcrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 08:54 AM
Apparently he has also changed his MO a bit.....

Vassilis Paleokostas has delivered the bomb intended for Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis

I hope this little bit info (obviously dis-info by the government to make him look bad) will not stop you guys from erecting a statue in his honor. Even the best of heroes sometimes confuse justice with happens.

He's a cold blooded borderline sociopaths and is suspected in founding Greek leftist terrorist cells.........try and explain that away with tales of nobility and heroism.


posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

well... as they say.. "the devil is in the details", and untill then we'll never know the real truth. However, we all read it in different ways.. kinda like in the old lady, young woman optical illuision. and yes.. i think you missed the writers style, but, they might have left it that way for us to decide for ourselves..

But, I took it as, tongue in cheek style, but, you can also take it as a hard line reporter as well

not sure if the wow was a bad wow or a good wow.. or.. ?? LOL..

but meh ..

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
Apparently he has also changed his MO a bit.....

Vassilis Paleokostas has delivered the bomb intended for Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis

I hope this little bit info (obviously dis-info by the government to make him look bad) will not stop you guys from erecting a statue in his honor. Even the best of heroes sometimes confuse justice with happens.

He's a cold blooded borderline sociopaths and is suspected in founding Greek leftist terrorist cells.........try and explain that away with tales of nobility and heroism.

Peace .. not sure if you are saying

obviously dis-info by the government to make him look bad)

as sarcasm or not..


Anyway, Vassilis Paleokostas has never been involved in an attack against human life – a fact the police officers recognized too.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Komodo

Well you see.......the biggest problem I have with this whole situation is that we have a 4-page thread filled with reaction after reaction proclaiming this guy as a genuine hero.

I would expect the general population (aka the sheeple) to fall for this Hollywood indoctrination BS and the illusion of hope.

But I'm kinda disappointed that my fellow ATS-member isn't smart enough to cut through this non-sense and recognize the fact that private justice just doesn't work.....period. Whole library's full have been written on this subject. Sure, in comic books and fairy-tales the bad guy looses and the good guy wins. It makes us feel good and satisfies a deep psychological urge for justice but it would never work in real life.

That's all.....


posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

Just because he is being charged with all those things doesn't mean hes guilty of them first of all. (remember innocent until proven guilty).

Second of all, were the leaders of say the french revolution and the civil war criminals? Back then they probably were. Today most of them are heros because we see how much worse we could have been by now if it wasn't for their efforts.

You can't argue morality. One could say its immoral for him to do it, as another can say its immoral for him not to do it. Its a nonsensical argument.

Here is what I see as the overall big picture, rather then not picking at his heals.
Man see's poor people in his community.
Man tries to figure out why people are poor
Man is not stupid, we all know why people are poor
Man decides its time to take back from those that have stepped on the poor laborers for an income for so many years.
Man sees that trying to do something diplomatically is futile
Man decides there is no other help for him in the so called "system", decides to make his own rules.
If the community is so against it, then start helping out diplomatically. (Community is clearly not against him)

Man is a hero.
edit on 28-1-2011 by Ghandi because: sp

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Ghandi
Man is a hero.

So if you were robbed by someone less well off than you would you call that person a hero too?

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Mike_A

Good luck trying to rob me. The most valuable thing I have is my debt...

Hes not robbing the average person, seems like hes targeting the rich and corrupt IMO. And im not talking a few million rich, one example used was a CEO. Any idea what a CEOs salary is not including bonuses? Any idea where that money comes from? The basically steal it, hes taking it back.

I bet if he could get at the Rothschilds or Rockafellers he would
edit on 28-1-2011 by Ghandi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Ghandi

So would you call them a hero or not?

What you are failing to see is that in the grand scheme of things you are rich; compared with the rest of the world the gap between your standard of living and a CEO’s standard of living is not dissimilar to the gap between you and a Nigerian email scammer. It is not morally better for you to have $1000 more than someone with nothing than to have $1bn more; if wealth was distributed evenly across the world you would almost certainly find that you now have much more than your fair share.

So justifying this by saying he is robbing the rich is hypocritical unless you accept that you too are fair game for those who are even worse off.

But I doubt you would take that position because you probably think, just as the CEO, that what you have has been earned and is well deserved.

Any idea what a CEOs salary is not including bonuses? Any idea where that money comes from? The basically steal it, hes taking it back.

Despite the above I do just want to correct this. A CEO’s salary depends on the size of the company he works for, this can vary massively so the idea that someone being a CEO means they are filthy rich is nonsense.

Second the idea that if someone has a lot of money it necessarily follows that he or she “basically steals it” is just flat out bollocks. Because you have more than a Somali does not prove you are a crook any more than a businessman having more than you proves the same of him.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by Ghandi
reply to post by operation mindcrime
Just because he is being charged with all those things doesn't mean hes guilty of them first of all.

This man, to you, is your hero based on the idea that he breaks the law because of a personal cause (morally justifiable to you or not is irrelevant) while at the same time you are making an appeal on that same law (system)

you're amazing

Second of all, were the leaders of say the French revolution and the civil war criminals? Back then they probably were. Today most of them are heroes because we see how much worse we could have been by now if it wasn't for their efforts., they were not breaking the law!! They were making their own laws under the support of their followers. And I really do not see a problem with that....morally.

You can't argue morality. One could say its immoral for him to do it, as another can say its immoral for him not to do it. Its a nonsensical argument.

Hmmmm......say, you get in a dispute with your neighbor about the smoke from his BBQ. Your entire garden is covered in a tick layer of smoke thus wrecking your quiet Sunday afternoon....(seems reasonable). At one point the argument turns into a fistfight. it a question of who kills who first that decides who was actually right and who was wrong?? Because that is exactly what you are saying, I believe.

Don't get me wrong....I too get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when I see John McClane drops some German-accent dousch from a skyscraper. It really satisfies a deep feeling of justice and nhanana. but .....................

why are we not collectively demanding that it should be legal to kidnap rich people? Because nobody actually thinks that this is a good idea, it's a fantasy (just like Bruce Willis killing the bad guy).


posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye
LOL Awesome story. Right out of the movies... I wonder what would happen if they refused to pay the ransoms he asked for, if he would remain non-violent towards the victiim?

Yes, I think he would remain nonviolent and that seems to be his character. All he has to do is tell the hostage he won't be released, until the ransom is paid. Easy

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 12:44 AM

One more example and I'll be out of your hair......

Say, a Mexican outlaw crosses the border into the US and starts robbing banks and taking rich people hostage with the motivation to redistribute the money among poor Mexican farmers..........As a matter of fact, let's get a 100 or a 1000 outlaws to do this.

Cool??...............Didn't think so.


posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

lol dont ever leave my hair. Tis the beauty of human communication, allows us to see things we didn't look at before.

yes, redistributing the wealth can be an evil thing to do if your not doing it with consent (kind of like our leaders do). However the concept of redistributing wealth is something we can mostly agree on in an age where we have enough for everyone on the planet to have their basic food, shelter and recreational needs met. How long can someone sit around and just watch their life go by when they could have done something, anything. Maybe its not the best way, but it could be worse. He could have enacted the federal reserve act and robbed all of us. At least he takes it face to face.

I bet if he thought he had a better option, he'd take that road. But think about it, if you really want to DO something about something now a days, you usually can't do it legally. And eventually you will be stopped, regardless of how you do it.

I will accept your argument that not everyone may see him as a hero, if the world was a better place, Id agree. But to place him in the same category as a common thief is unjustified, IMO

edit on 29-1-2011 by Ghandi because: (no reason given)

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