posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 08:26 AM
I'm a Canadian and you can say the same about us really. In my experience most of the people supporting ISraels actions (not their right to exist)
are doing so from ignorance and racism, which the current war against Islam is helping.
another side to that, and this is also from personal experience, are the christian zionists who believe the bible, believe the Jews were chosen by god
(even though those Hebrews are more related to the palestinians than Israelis) and believe it is their duty to support them through the end of
I think it's easier to take a step back in the UK as you still kinda have a free press. The US and Canada have a handful of media outlets all run at
the top by jewish interests. What we get is heavily filtered.
I support Israel's right to exist now, because there's no turning back. What I don't support is terror, ghettos, war against civilians, and of
course the land grabbing. I also don't support suicide bombers blowing up kids at McDonalds, but when confronted with their daily lives, if put in
their place, I'd be fighting back anyway I could too.
The "defenders" make it about race, it's racists to question ISrael, it's racist and anti-semitic that we expect them to follow the same UN
sanctions and laws everyone else does. It doesn't matter that they build Jew only roads, and Jew only suburbs. We're the racists for saying hey,
draw your border and stick inside them.
It's a complex matter and I expect this thread to go into the gutter fairly fast.