posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 07:17 AM
I don't know how to begin this, other than telling you why I posted it. I came across the following 2 vids that tell a very interesting story in
relation to the whole Global Warming/Ice Caps melting thing. After the corrupt scientist were exposed, I figured all that hub-bub was B.S.
Well. Until I saw these two vids you are about to watch.
You'll have to go to the main source to view.Oh, the scenery is absolutely amazing
to see. Enjoy and please comment.
1: Outburst:
2: Glacial Lakes Risk Assessment
I'm telling you. You won't be disappointed. Well most of you won't be. I am sure someone will come along ... nevermind.
Any ATSer ever been to this area? Photos/vids if so, please.