reply to post by prexparte
what do you mean that you need to protest the great us government and all of its minions of fools . the last time someone stood up for them selves and
the rights of people to chose was during the Vietnam era . when the children of your nation stood hand and hand and protested the war ,and your
government called out the troops and had those kids[ shot down and killed in heir great halls of learning] [ biblical quote by the way.] the days of
the end.
and what happened the next day if you are old enough to remember this event-because we watched it live on the here is an eyewitness account
for you also you will find the news films in the newspapers archives of the day.
the heads of your government ,military , police and your churches all stood in-front of the great edifice called the us department of justice and
they all called the children of that age -long haired drug crazed hippie killing satanist freaks .its funny though a lot of the kids did not have long
hair and so on they were just students trying to get an education ,and they were all treated alike that day .
but here is another little bit of trivia from your bible for you.
it says that when he returns to this our world he would -destroy 3 groups of people listed as
1] the great lying harlot churches of the world
2] the great military`s of the world
3] the great governments of the world
so who are these 3 groups of people listed above .
let us see them for their true selves.
the number 3 refers to the 3 anti Christs by the way.see above.
the churches that turned against the children ,the governments that force you to support war and killing [taxes]
the military s that force you to kill and make war ,and we were all told not to partake of this madness.
thou shall not kill -ops they called it national pride ,also a sin by the bibles standards and this list is endless as to the mistakes everyone of
us has made in this world following these fools like blind mindless little sheep.
he never died for our sins as we continue to break every one of them day in and day out following and funding these morons that dare to believe that
they are the power in this world let alone the whole creation .he was KILLED because he dared to speak out against them so to silence him they
crucified him -MURDERED .
remember these 3 groups are the same 3 groups that had him arrested tried convicted and killed and they continue to lie to us all saying this is or
was god s way and will -heretics and he cried out because his father forsake him. no man decided that he had the right to play god and this is the
outcome ,final chapter says they is a war to end all wars #3 .the annihilation of we the human species and these morons are still trying to start it
let us hope the rest of you all wake the hell up now.