There is this girl I'm getting a crush on ("girl X")... I was talking to her friend ("girl Y") casually about dating the other night around a
campfire and she asked me what was wrong her friend ("girl X") out of the blue (as if implying her friend likes me and I should ask her out). I
kind of blew it off, playing the hard to get card as if I wasn't really interested and we changed the subject. Everybody was drinking wine/beer and
having a good time...
Today I asked "girl Y" what she was talking about last night and she said I didn't know what I was talking about... I know she did though because
she seemed a little embarrased. Then she said that if she said anything it was probably the wine talking...
Thoughts? Alchohol to some people seems to be a sort of truth serum. Do you think she was trying to imply something?
I'm probably going to ask her out anyway regardless of this... I just think games are funny.
Go for it, Girl Y obviously knows Girl X better than you do... so even if girl X didnt specifically say she likes you to girl Y, girl Y may have
noticed some things that you may not have. Go for it... but beware with playing games, they can really # # up if they go too far...