posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 08:13 AM
damn i remember working back at taco bell....
It was so annoying some people, who would order a bunch of stuff, you tell them the total, they get there, and then say, oh BTW i have all these
cupons. And if you work at stores, i'm sure you know that cupons require a different item, then you have to goback and redo the whole order, then
they complain it took so long?
But i think the worse from those days were the vegetarians. Ironically, i was a vegiterian for close to 10 years, and during my time employed in fast
food. These people would just give a snooty attitude, "ABSOLUTELY NO MEAT! and all this BS and ranting. I just think, thanks for being a douche
asshole, i'm a vegetarian too, and i would never treat someone, taking my order mind you, not making my food, like that. I feel like most of them
were fakes, and trying to look cool.