posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 10:58 AM
I thik its because in china, they work for much muchless money. that in retrun, would increase GM's profit margins. more money for them. technically,
thats cheating, since they layed off thier wrokers and sold out too a foreign country so the CEO can make his million dollars in bonus's. besides,
ive read nothing but bad stuff about GM;s, mostly thier trasnmissions. they cheaped out on a simple rubber seal, costing about $7.00, to a plastic
seal, for $5.00 to save costs, and transmissions were falling apart and dying around 75,000 miles... thats bull.
Ford seems to have gone the same direction as well. In china, they arnt as automobile knowledgable as we are..meaning the vast majorty dont know how
to learn or fix a car, get down n dirty, as i would or maybe even you or me. so of course, im sure GM benefits from that too...the people think the
car is no good when something happens, rather than learning and going by trial and error.