posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by _SilentAssassin_
emm Fairie fort, fairie ra, fairie ring, woe betide you mess with those, one story of a friend of mine, who was cutting down a tree, it stood within a
Fairie fort, he was aware of this, but was the sort of lad that didnt hold to such clap-trap as he put it, anyway, he got his chain saw and began to
cut the tree, he first cut a wedge out of it, to get it to fall the way it was leaning and away from a nearby lane, the law of physics would tell you
the tree would fall inward as intended, even the village idiot could see that much, but low and behold, as my friend cut through the tree toward the
wedge cut, it done nothing, he had cut clean through it and it done nothing for about half a minute, which was enough time to think yourself gone
mad, why its not falling, and then crash it fell right onto the lane, the opposite way to how it should have fallen, defied the law of physics, he
never again set foot in the fairie fort, and never will he,,, nor will any of the folk that know about this place... superstition or not,,,, stay away
from these tricky little sods....