posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX
Quite a paradox of a society we have set up then don't we? I mean, If the things everyone enjoys rely on people essentially doing things they don't
enjoy almost defeats the purpose?
Kind of like a bunch of junkies chasing around their next high searching through trash bins, whoring themselves out and subjecting themselves to
undesirable circumstances just to afford or attain the next joyous high whatever that is. The parallels between a functional society and a
dysfunctional drug addict are pretty astounding.
I honestly dream of a world where everyone can simply take care of themselves and provide their own "high" in life without having to result to
taking from others, doing for others, enslaving themselves, relying, or being dependent on others. Sadly I know how incredibly improbable that is of
ever becoming a reality.