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ATS Poetic Collaboration

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posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 06:03 PM
Something I Wrote, x

Silently screaming,

In the silence I hold my tongue,
afraid of loosing words that escape me,
fearing my words will just fly away,
then captured and never set free.

A sadness surrounds me, but only on the inside,
No person shall I allow there,
its the place that I hide.

My own arms are there to comfort me,
along with memories past,
life continues on.
spinning sometime way to fast,

I stand alone in my silence.
and that's ok with me,
I am my own soldier,
Only I can set myself free.....

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by asala

Something I Wrote, x

Silently screaming,

In the silence I hold my tongue,
afraid of loosing words that escape me,
fearing my words will just fly away,
then captured and never set free.

A sadness surrounds me, but only on the inside,
No person shall I allow there,
its the place that I hide.

My own arms are there to comfort me,
along with memories past,
life continues on.
spinning sometime way to fast,

I stand alone in my silence.
and that's ok with me,
I am my own soldier,
Only I can set myself free.....

Beautiful, Asala.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 06:55 AM
God does not take one away,
God merely moves them out of sight.
For they are waiting in bright light,
As you search in the shadows of night.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:15 AM
When you walk a hundred miles,
Yet still feel right at home.
Where the men tip their hat,
And women take a bow.
You will know you are where you belong,
Safe and sound in a land of your own.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 01:54 PM
Nice poem, mis, I totally understand the sentiments.

Originally posted by Misoir
When you walk a hundred miles,
Yet still feel right at home.
Where the men tip their hat,
And women take a bow.
You will know you are where you belong,
Safe and sound in a land of your own.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 09:06 AM
This one was based on a dream I had a few years ago

Journey in my dreams...

far away i call you...,
as i watch your shadows dance among the distant trees,
in my dreams i am there with you,
running wild and free.

I am small in this place,
in this land that you roam,
I am but another creature,
in this place I call my home.

I run among your wolf pack,
running through the trees,
now I am but a shadow,
running wild and free.

So I call upon you as my brothers,
when I need you,
you are there,
in my dreams there in the distance
your freedom I will share...

so keep on dancing shadows,
i will call you in the night,
let’s carry on our journey,
till the evening turns to light.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 08:31 PM
Once again, beautifully written, Asala. I think we have a professional on our hands here.

reply to post by asala

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

lol i wish,
I would only post them on Ats as im not brave enough to post any of my poems, I love to write and im always jotting things down,

Kinda stress relief for me

The other poems here are wonderfull! I really enjoy reading them, xx

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 11:17 AM
ok, i hope it flows
no titles, i will just italicize the first line of the next one

fluffy moonlight
like frosting
on the pillows
on the sheets
on the bed

icy fingers
steal away
in the pillows
in the sheets
in the bed

forethought and
through time
through the pillows
through the sheets
through the bed

worry and
through the mind
through the pillows
through the sheets
through the bed

dreams and
in the wind
in the rain
in the night

in the corners
black shapes
among the dark

waves of fear
you go rigid
so rigid

here comes
the shadow man
smiling, lying, leaning
against the door

and here come
the chilling whispers
vapors of icy death
ropey tentacles
snaking out
from the dark, gray
shadow man


the presence reaching
pulsating dread
he looms in the corner
solid and so real

exploding panic

hollow dream
tunnels entwine
malignant design
flexing hand
snipping ponytails
edges burning

eyelashes fall
across your knee
running centipede
like a brush
through hair

empty dream
clacking tunnels
screaming centipede
entwined with
the brush

design falls
malignant eyelash
burning hand

dreaming again
lustful tunnels
burning centipede
entwined with hand

malignant brush
upon ponytails

it feels gross
so squishy and mushy and
like that of a pale green
a very pale green that is also waxy
with spots of white
maybe spots of yellow

but this gross thing
is so gross that thinking
on it makes your mind
turns your thoughts to mush

so much mush
in so little space
it's no wonder
the computer screen
the mind's eye

edit on 22-3-2011 by PrincessAura because: tags

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:34 PM
I walk around town with a frown on my face
looking at the world from an entire different place
wondering what my next crew will do for feeding starving families dues.

facing hard times when scrutiny from the powers that be unfold
waiting for silver to become rich as gold
greed is their virtue and their creed while we suffer at the hands of the elites.

Our feet turn cold as we lose battles to the old.
the mess which depress add stress to many
more which never had the chance to take a glance
at a second chance to live free as we need to be.

The future will come but will it be undone with our thumb up our rear
without survival gear?

Done by me you see.

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