posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 08:32 AM
I indeed saw the same movie, it was actually my first experience with Cinavia on the PS3, but that's another story. Yes, they did put that into the
movie in an almost comical tongue in cheek way, they made the guys who actually created the idea look like rich useless morons while poor little Mark
had to lie cheat and steal his way to fame. there's much more to the other side of the story than they made out. they made it seem like the guys
had a vague esoteric idea, hired mark and it went no where so mark modified it and created facebook while keeping them on the hook.
The fact of the matter is those guys had a full plan for this, hired mark to code it, which he did, then instead of following through with his
agreement, he launched it as his own product.
I'm not saying the kid isn't a genius, obviously he is, but I found the movie to be self serving. And timberlake as the napster douche just put
icing on the cake. That may sound like an insult, but it's not, Timberlake did a great job playing the character that guy thinks he is.
From all indications, Zuckerberg is a sociopath.
Having said that, it's a movie, and relevant, and I would never advise someone to ignore the film, it's worth a view.