posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 09:43 AM
Hey, im in Las Cruces. Have you seen it lately? Ill check tonite. I read about a star that is unoficially called the 'garnet' star; read that info
while i was using the SkyWalk app on the car phone (:-D) to see what night sky objects are viewable at any given time. Notsayin it is or isnt a star
or something weird.
Am sayin', livin in NM, it is a valuable and comforting practice to have a digital camera WITH you, espECIALLY when driving. I am born n raised
NMxican &have seen awe-inspiring shudder-inducing WtF-is that-type sky phenomena/craft/auroral objects (WHATEVER one would call any of the things Ive
seen....) many times. Many many times. 3/4 happen while Im drivin. This state is what, 450mix450mi? With three cities(Im talkin metro areas, here, so
not separating RioR&Abq&Bern. etc) &only a few big towns. SO MUCH EMPTY LAND and SKY.. KEEP A CAMERA in your car, ¬ a phone camera. A real
digitalcamera. If ever something pops off at the chxkpoints, too, one can record it... with the cartel activity 60mi South of Cruces and on up the
I-10/I-25/highway 70, and the militaryinstallations, NASA, White Sands, all bordered by BLM land &further, closer to Alamogordo with the DarkSky
rules (low light pollution) It is kinda asking for it, to be withouta camera, &see something amazing and important. DONT LET ME HEAR OF U w/no camera
Lol :-D
(this post is to whomever posted the Alamogordo pic, but that thread was closed)
edit on 10-2-2011 by kkrattiger because: or 450mi x 550mi? NM
is not a square. I know this haha