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The Most Dangerous Man in America/The Doco

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posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 04:48 PM
Yes I'm aware that this documentary has been discussed here before. However it was screened on the Australian government owned ABC TV network last night, so it went national.

Firstly there were many Australian sons killed in the vietnam war as were many others. So what do we have here? Well the doco is really about a whistleblower who leaked government documents to the main stream media, aka The Washington Post and the New York Times, AND they printed the story.

So back then we have the United States government telling lies about a war, HUH, sound familiar?
Well franky I dont think the main stream media would do it today (we all know why).

Just diverting for a minute I recently finish James Bamford' book "The Puzzle Palace" printed in 1982. It tells about what the NSA was doing back then, snooping here and snooping there, sound familiar today?

Considering the latest Wikileaks story, it definately has a familiar ring to the above mentioned documentary.

So, anybody think that the US government is telling lies about the two wars raging at the present time???

In summary, this documentary is a real BELLRINGER if there was ever one, and the ironic part is, there isn't a dame thing we can do about it, except have a revolution.

I just hope that maybe, just maybe, there might be ANOTHER whistleblower somewhere out there just waiting for the right time to leak a REAL bombshell, and boy do we need it now.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by downunderET

So , who is this man , and where is the "doco" . Kinda hard to comment on your thread without some type of source or explanation of your title . I don't mean that in an offensive way , but can you post a link to a source ?

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by okbmd
reply to post by downunderET

So , who is this man , and where is the "doco" . Kinda hard to comment on your thread without some type of source or explanation of your title . I don't mean that in an offensive way , but can you post a link to a source ?

Firstly I'm sorry as I thought most people knew about the film.

Go to the web site

His name is Daniel Ellsberg and he worked for the RAND Corporation. The doco is absolutely brillient

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by downunderET
So, anybody think that the US government is telling lies about the two wars raging at the present time???

Of course they are. The US (I hope), will present whatever false front needed to same American lives. Yes, the US is at war, so what do we do? Open up be honest, give troop locations, strengths...Give me a break

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 11:01 PM
I have seen a movie and heard about Daniel Ellsberg in the past. He took a big risk and was vindicated, it helped bring an end to the Vietnam war. I would not call him the most dangerous man, just tired of the senseless slaughter and inconsistency of war and done what he could. For some people the truth is dangerous, they are the ones I am concerned about.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:27 PM
Here is the docu.

Most interesting story. It shows the "early" ATSérs, but they actually came out their chair

Kind of bitter to see the conclusions and results of the matter.. Makes you think..

Not giving it all away, but i could recommend this docu, about the man who actually on his own risk blew the whistle on Vietnam, and the real war machine in action.

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