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A Thread for all you Racist Americans...

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posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 03:34 PM
The fact is, ALL races of people have racist people within.
It doesn't matter who you are or where you live in the US,
there are racists of every kind, everywhere you go. There is
no getting around that. Humans by nature are racists. Plain
and simple. Most people try to get along with everyone else
in this country, but there are those who try to upset our
fabric of life and try to destroy it with racism. It is just that
way. It would be nice if there was no racism, but it just doesn't
work that way. A handful of people in each race ruins it for
everyone else who would like to live in harmony. A fact of life.
Now, can't we all get along?

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

You ever hear the phrase "the squeaky wheel gets the grease"?

The people who shout racist comments the loudest, especially online, get the attention from people that desperatly crave in real life.

Racism in America has become a cottage industry. Just look at who uses the "race card" or is interviewed on TV when racism is talked about. The majority of them, anti-racists and racists alike, are making money either from selling videos and tapes or speaking engagements or non-profit organizations that they make a tidy sum for managing or sitting on the board.

That is the reason racism is front and center in the media in the US all the time. Keep us divided and point the finger for issues at the other ethnic group is what works to keep everyone down, therefore this cottage industry in business.

Its another smoke-and-mirrors issue that keeps us distracted from the true issues and vilians.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by fiftyfifty
Before I start, I would like to say I am not labelling all Americans as racist because I know that is far from true. The title of this thread had to attract Americans first.

OK you have our attention....

As a mixed race......

I have experienced racism here in the UK. However, racism does not worry me or bother me any more here as it is generally mild and born of pure ignorance or simply just used to cause maximum offence. I don't find it any more offensive than a larger person would be offended by being called names because of their weight.

That describes about 90% of Americans. Continue....

In America, the racism seems to be a lot more deep rooted and actually scares the crap out of me.

This is based on what personal experience?

There are places in America that I would never dream of visiting for fear of being attacked because of the colour of my skin. Why in the 21st Century is this still such a huge Issue.

Which locations? I'm just curious.....

What happened in the past to make you guys so afraid of people with black skin. Do you ever think about the native American's that were practically wiped out by YOUR arrival on American soil.

Hey Einstein most of our forefathers were mostly European. I'm of both Native American and European descent. I don't hold myself accountable for their actions or anybody elses.

US land has not always been 'American'. British land always has been British,

AND the Brits weren't always British. Research all of the collective different bloods in the UK.

yet we welcome people from all over the world and live together in mixed race communities... happily. Of course we have issues and racism exists, Britain is by no means the land of peace and tranquillity but racism is not a massive issue any more.

You are going to sit there and tell Americans about mixed races? The US is a country of the immigrant, from all over the globe. How about the UK with it's newly found and failing Multiculturalism? I think the US [All things considered] has done a much better job with mixed races/religions living together.

We still have our issues of course.

I would like to hear the opinions of actually racist people who clearly frequent this site as well as the good American people that I know exist. ..... Ignorance alone cannot explain some of the explicitly racist comments I see from mainly Americans on the likes of Youtube and MSN. Please help me understand.

Every country has their ignorant groups. Some are more vocal than others. Do not let a few boneheads scare you.

edit on 19-1-2011 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by fiftyfifty
Before I start, I would like to say I am not labelling all Americans as racist because I know that is far from true. The title of this thread had to attract Americans first.

As a mixed race (half black Caribbean, half white British) male from the UK, I have experienced racism here in the UK. However, racism does not worry me or bother me any more here as it is generally mild and born of pure ignorance or simply just used to cause maximum offence. I don't find it any more offensive than a larger person would be offended by being called names because of their weight.

In America, the racism seems to be a lot more deep rooted and actually scares the crap out of me. There are places in America that I would never dream of visiting for fear of being attacked because of the colour of my skin. Why in the 21st Century is this still such a huge Issue. What happened in the past to make you guys so afraid of people with black skin. Do you ever think about the native American's that were practically wiped out by YOUR arrival on American soil. US land has not always been 'American'. British land always has been British, yet we welcome people from all over the world and live together in mixed race communities... happily. Of course we have issues and racism exists, Britain is by no means the land of peace and tranquillity but racism is not a massive issue any more.

I would like to hear the opinions of actually racist people who clearly frequent this site as well as the good American people that I know exist. I don't care what you think of me on here because letters can't do any damage (but please refrain from using this as an opportunity to try and offend me or anyone else). I genuinely want to know why you are racist, particularly against black or mixed race people? Ignorance alone cannot explain some of the explicitly racist comments I see from mainly Americans on the likes of Youtube and MSN. Please help me understand.

I will gladly answer any questions you might have about being a victim of racism and try to help you understand how it feels. If I can change one persons views then my work here is done.

edit on 19-1-2011 by fiftyfifty because: Bad grammar!

edit on 19-1-2011 by fiftyfifty because: (no reason given)

Most tend to create their own racism, there is no where in America that I wouldn't go. Fear comes from lack of self confidence when walking into a situation you deem racial.

True story from two days ago about a co-worker. A good analogy as to where I see racism coming from.
Lunch time at work. Myself and several other co-workers head to a small bar know to have good burgers. First time their for all of us. When we walk in, it is wall to wall people and just bartenders running their asses off trying to accommodate everyone. Sign on the wall says order at the bar. All of us but one order. The one that didn't stands their and waits and waits for a bartender to come, not going to the said designated spot to place an order. 10 minutes pass by. Our co-worker screams out, guess I can't get any service here cause I'm black, you people must all hate black people ,,, bla bla bla on and on. I was embarrassed to be with this guy.

Yes, their is true rasism out there, but it way fewer than most will admit. Don't blame every short coming on your ethnic background. Time and time again I see people of different races, mine included, using this as an excuse instead of admitting that they did the wrong thing, did a bad job, screwed off at work. or whatever.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

However, every night I come on the internet and read threads of such biased racist people, see such offensive language used on Youtube etc and the majority of times, the location is 'somewhere in america'. I understand that a lot of the comments are from immature teenagers but that is even more worrying, is the next generation going to be even more racist?

Thanks for explaining your position; that clears up things a bit for me.

There are so many *loons* and *goons* on the internet (but of course not on ATS
), I hate to even speak his name to give him attention, but that Tuscon, AZ Killer is an example of what you might find on Youtube...and he was fairly young himself....

I still think the person's specific area in the US matters, to a degree, as well as level of education, and type of upbringing. I fortunately, had a parent who was a university professor, so I grew up in a college town with tons of different races and cultures represented from my pre-school days, and so that was, and is, my "norm."

The reason I bring up education is that a fairly recent poll among US college/univ. students reported that 95% of those students thought that interracial relationships were totally acceptable (to contrast to what that number might have been, say, 10 years ago or so).

I think that there is "hate" anywhere in the world, but that is largely based on the FEAR of the UNKNOWN...

I am a world traveler (as much as I can) and I strongly encourage you to do the same if possible....there are "good" people everywhere!

edit on 19-1-2011 by sonjah1 because: m.o.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 03:50 PM
From what I've read so far, it seems that I may have had the worng idea about the scale of the problem. IF the opinions coming in continue to be the same, I can safely say that despite people thinking I'm an ignorant (and possibly racist against Americans) bitter case, I'll feel happy that I may have been wrong.

I know there are parts of London and other cities here that have problems with gangs, many of them black or asian, the same as in parts of New York etc that white people feel at risk, this happens all over the world but my concern is directed more at the small suburban 'middle class' towns and redneck country. Are normal Americans afraid of driving through Redneck towns? (I've seen house of wax so guess you probably are :lol

edit on 19-1-2011 by fiftyfifty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

I actually have a great story to that point.

My buddies and I went fishing in central Illinois. About dusk, we were heading home and decided to stop in a saloon to get a burger and a beer. There was a black blues band playing from Chicago, but other than that, the place was all white. Well, we get to drinking and I make friends with the band and sit in on stage. While i'm playing, my two buddies had picked up the only two girls in the bar. When we were done playing, me, the band and my buddies sat down at the bar. A group of "gentlemen" began to do that slow surround of us that happens right before a fight breaks out. They asked us what our problem was, and the tough guy stuff started. The bass player leaned in to my ear and said, "If anything breaks out, we're with you guys, cuz these guys will be coming at us next."

Moral of the story - Whatch your P's & Q's when you're the stranger in the neighborhood.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 03:58 PM
Racism is the dumbest, most ignorant, pointless, nerve-irritating thing ever. I'm white and i have no problems with no other race. I don't care if you have a long beard and a turban, you could be my friend. It's not about what's on the outside, it's all about the personality and mentality of a person. Skin is just skin. Behind every one's skin is muscle, veins, organs, and bones. No matter what a skin tone is, i prefer to say skin tone not skin color, we are all the same. We are all human. The people I hang out with are black. I have black family. I have mixed (black & white) relatives. They're my cousins, uncle, stepdad, and brother. It's actually been a very very long time since I've hung out with a white person. Most of my friends in high school were black or hispanic. But that doesn't mean I didn;t have white friends, because I did. My girlfriends, black or hispanic. For some reason I'm not as attracted to white girls, I prefer my girlfriends be black or hispanic. But that doesn't mean I don't look at white girls, if a girl looks good a girl looks good. Racism can go any way. It's not exclusive. There's people that don't like their own race, that's racism. Racism in america is everywhere. I've been discriminated against for hanging out with black people, or for the way i dress or act, or the music i listen to. It's all just ridiculous. People are people, not colors.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 04:01 PM
Going from only what I have, being personal experiences coming from living in a REAL small town in Illinois(600 people) I can say that there is lots of racism in America. I can't go a day without hearing the N word or any comment like that, but, i also know that it can be changed. I had the same mentality before and my ways changed when i ventured out and met the people that i had heard were "evil" or "dangerous" and saw that they were in no way different from i. The strange thing was that the same people had the same views about white people simply because that is what they were taught by their parents(mostly grandparents from what i have heard).

I believe all it will take is for this generation to teach others to open up to things they may not be used to. To stop listening to what they are told and go out and see for yourself that the world isn't that scary place you have been told it was. I have been to "inner city" Chicago many times, usually multipel times a month and have never had a bad experiance from others. Yea, i have been looked at like i don't belong there but what can you do but try to change that by being yourself and not being scared really.

I guess what i'm getting at is there is hope for the future so long as everyone tries keeping an open mind and stops judging people and to form your own opinion about people as individuals and stop grouping them by race. That, from my experience, in its self is what causes racism.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 01:05 AM
I can't help but shake the feeling that the OP may have had an agenda.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by facelift

It's not just Muslims in the UK either. There are predominantly asian (ie Pakistani, Indian etc) areas of the UK where white people are afraid to go for fear of attack. Doesn't really help that an asian gang put a sign up saying "no whites after 8pm" in one particular area but it helps create the fear.

Likewise I wouldn't wanna go back to London, especially the parts overrun by the black gangs in the inner city sections for the same reason and there are even places in various cities and towns where I as a white man am afraid of the white gangs because again, projected fear and intimidation.

It's not just in one country or one place unfortunately.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 06:12 AM
you think people are racist because you hear/see offensive language? words are words my brother, in my opinion, actions would justify labeling someone as a "racist", such as attacking someone for looking differently than they do...telling a joke or being goofy does not qualify as racism in my me, ive been called a cracker

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

Funny you should mention Texas, If we're talking white-on-black racism, Texas is probably the worst I've seen in all my travels around this country teaching. This is, of course, only anecdotal evidence of this, but I have no agenda, draw no conclusions, and had I not witnessed this firsthand on more than one occasion, I would keep my mouth shut.

About 8 years ago, a friend of mine and I were working for a large corporation in Atlanta as instructors who traveled for two years to many cities (NYC, Philly, DC, Dallas, Austin, Tucson, Seattle, Raleigh, Charlotte, Tampa, Chicago, and Rochester, MN) and found ourselves teaching in Texas two months in a row...once in Dallas and once in Austin. Trust me when I tell you some people there made her life a living hell...overtly. She was refused service twice in bars, almost run over in a supermarket parking lot while being called a very bad name, and worst of all, had 5 people in one of her classes walk out once and 3 walk out a second time, all men and all before the classes even started, making it very obvious why.

She's a strong woman and has of course lived with this all her life, but I have never seen her so upset or so shocked. There was a similar incident in Charlotte, but nothing nearing the intensity or blatancy of what happened in Texas. Fairly or unfairly, she will never go back there. The incidents during the classes were reported and investigated in a very ugly and uncomfortable sequence of events that followed, but in the end was swept under the rug. "Warnings" were issued, apologies given, and that was that. I agree that we do give words their power and they can usually be controlled, but this went beyond words. Far beyond.

Now if we're talking black-on-white racism? Nothing I've witnessed holds a candle to the Atlanta area, generally speaking, and she and I have had that particular discussion as well...many times. I also want to mention that I know very well, that a few incidents, coincidental or not, do not condemn and entire state or city or country. That goes without saying.

I also suspect there might be some people who will want to or try to deny that there is a problem with racism in this country. I did as well for a very long time, not wishing to generalize or admit it about my country or stereotype or judge individuals or groups or make an issue of it. But I no longer have those particular blinders on. I am also of the opinion that we should not acknowledge racism or racists, because attention is exactly what they want. They're like trolls in that way. And if you give them attention, they only get worse.

edit on 1/20/2011 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

Man ATS is a tough place so I suggest that you “Man up” people here sy it like they see it.

Having said that there is a lot of psychological warfare here on ATS put forwards by Racists who do know better by targeting known buttons. Left to these people you will believe that America is a sink of hate - it is not there are people of goodness here. America is a country of extremes. Of course there are savage racists but hey there are places like that in the UK.

Don’t believe me just jump on a plane and leave the prejudices at home and enjoy.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 07:03 AM
Havent been in the u.s in over 30 years.. But alot of the problems seem to stem from overemphasis on race causing division among the public.. With no effort made to emphasise that regardless of race , religion etc all are americans ... Instead the politicians and media play off the differences between people to serve there own ends.. From speaking with friends who are stateside and what see here the differences have only grown wider over the years..

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by vermonster

Originally posted by jjkenobi
I am a white American. There are places in the US I don't go because I fear for my life due to racism. Inner city Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, etc.

Oh yes

So true

I am right there with you on that one

White american here... I've been to some bad areas in USA its all how you handle yourself. I've noticed, especially at an event (concert,baseball,etc), the majority of people don't understand simple respect for the locals. Another thing. its mostly in your head.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 04:20 PM
The way I see it, ***holes come in every color and variety.

poor black man in the inner city...
rich white CEO
mexican farmworker
white trash living in a trailerpark...

If you are an ***hole, you're an ***hole

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