Seriously? Is it just me or is religion seeming to pushed deeper into the crevices of society? I'm not typically a hateful person, nor a
church-going one, yet this kind of thing is really beginning to try my patience.
I have heard quite a range of statements from religious people, from the seemingly plausible (if you ignore a mountain of evidence) to the downright
absurd - such as babies having an innate love for jesus. Religion has no place in this society, not in our times - for every good deed it has done it
has committed a thousand atrocities. Your belief in religion should be as private as your pin number, and to declare favoritism towards a group for
their religious beliefs sets us backward in time nearly a thousand years.
How refreshing, an honest politician for a change. Wow, that is some serious belief system he has. I mean wouldn't he be worried about losing the
votes from non-Christians or the bunch of people he must have alienated?