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UK paper compares FL man who defended himself to Loughner

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posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 08:47 AM
This might go a long way to explaining the great divide the two countries have regarding firearms.

Jogger who shot and killed unarmed teenage 'mugger' released without charge

Read more:

The gist is the jogger was jogging when this kid came at him at started attacking him. Classic mugging scenario. The jogger shot and killed the mugger and after an investigation the action was ruled self defense,

The Daily Mail article after the obviously slanted title has two pictures. One of the mugger with the caption "victim" and one of Jared Loughner looking crazy. What that has to do with the story I have no idea.

I dont know much about the Daily Mail. Maybe it's known as a slanted rag, I dont know. But this article, no indication of it being an opinion piece, seems to fit the mentality of many of the UK posters sticking their noses in US gun threads. It goes to ridiculous lengths to make the mugger look like a saint and the real victim look like an evil oppressor.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

The Daily Mail is a well-known Conservative slanted newspaper.
The British equivalent of the Democrats have no time for it.
So this shows, amongst other things, the difference between the British and US versions of "right-wing Conservatism".

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by DISRAELI
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

The Daily Mail is a well-known Conservative slanted newspaper.

Now that's interesting. The slant of the article if written here in the US would have come from the "liberal" side of things.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

I think normally the Daily Mail would be as anti-mugger as anybody else. If the mugger had been beaten to a pulp, they would have applauded.
The difference must lie in the use of the gun. In the UK, the handgun is not part of traditional culture, so it's not part of the fabric of life which a good conservative would expect to "conserve". (The shooting of "game" in the countryside is a different matter).
I think the Mail is associating guns with gang warfare, and that's where the diapproval comes from.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

What a bucket of sh*t. Hey thisguy; Starred and flagged!

You are 100% right about some UK citizens and their views, and most importantly the view their state controlled media is told to take by Downing Street.

A lone jogger in the late evening. Getting into shape to join the US military. Even in winter here in FL it is often too hot to jog during the day, and who knows but this young man might have had to work all day, and so had to jog at night to pursue his goal of joining up.

He is attacked by two men, and punched in the face repeatedly.

He defends himself accordingly with Florida law.

And these ass-hat second guessers in the UK decide he's the villian???

I have come to the conclusion that sheep is the primary product of Britain these days. God help them if there is ever another Blitz.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 09:09 AM
Wow, it's not often you see UK-bashing on ATS, but you shouldn't tarnish us all with the same brush as being sheep, that'd be like stating the USA is just an overweight gun-carrying country suffering from delusions of grandure

As for newspapers in the UK, never trust any of them, not a single one - they print what they want be it factual or not.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 09:10 AM
Firstly, I applaud the jogger who defended himself. As someone who's been mugged before, and had to fight back for fear of dying, I can understand why he fired eight shots. It all probably happened in seconds, before he had too much time to think, and he wanted to be sure that the person who hit him in the face didn't come back at him. Adrenalin, fear. Powerful mixture.

I didn't see anywhere in the article where they might have said the sixteen year old was sent to jail or "juvi". The family being upset he was shot 8 times is ludicrous. Would one have been ok? twice?

"Hey, sorry my son tried to beat and rob you, thanks for only shooting him once though." Never would have happened. They'd have been 'outraged' regardless.

I didn't know Florida had that 'stand your ground' law. *applause*. Excellent.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Jimbowsk
Wow, it's not often you see UK-bashing on ATS, but you shouldn't tarnish us all with the same brush as being sheep, that'd be like stating the USA is just an overweight gun-carrying country suffering from delusions of grandure

As for newspapers in the UK, never trust any of them, not a single one - they print what they want be it factual or not.

I said "some" UK citizens; I am too proud of my own heritage in the UK to ever tar all UKers with a broad-brush.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Jimbowsk

I hope your not implying the Daily Mail is biased *tut tut* media outlet, prone to play the twisted fear mongering card at any opportunity

But I do agree that there is a vast difference in cultural attitudes to Guns that show up in our press and also a twisted approach to bashing/praising America at any opportunity.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by JonahH3X

Excellent point, lol.

Florida can be a big pain in the ass, what with the heat, the bugs, the gators, the snakes, the snowbirds, the crackers, the idiot legislature and all.

But it is has the advantage of being able to common-sensibly defend you, your loved ones, your home, your car and others with what ever force is needed.

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