posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 12:24 AM
In my other post I just presented a image that was strange to me. Now since then I havent thought anything of it etc just presented the image. Well
I am sitting here on Facebook listening to some music and my dog starts barking and comes running out with her ears down. This was strange to me so I
thought someone maybe was walking by and she could hear the snow cracking under the feet or whatever so I said what is it. She wouldnt go to the
living room till I got up and walked ahead of her. I looked out and see nothing okay thats fine maybe they got by already. So I told her to go lay
down and stop growling and barking. Well just barking, but she was growling in between barks.
So now I was back out here again and its been about 45mins since that and I first felt like the floor under me was moving a little like someone was
walking by so I turned around to see if my dog was out here or my daughter woke up and came out. Nope okay so I continue to talk to who I am talking
to on facebook and I felt what almost felt like a spider run across my hair just below my hat.
Since I posted that image nothing strange has went on nothing weird till tonight. I don't know what to think now before I really did think it was
just a image mess up and just presented it because hey you never know. Now I am starting to wonder other wise. Strange strange I tell you. This
just happened within the last say 5mins I was busy reading the thread The Guy Who Witnessed Roswell or whatever. I just thought well I am on here I
might as well post the event that was going on right now.