posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 03:13 PM
I had to do a report on Robert Hooke and used google. Some site popped up about halfway through the list about Hooke's unknown accomplishments. And
since I love a good pirate like Hooke (yes he was a biologist but I still think of him as apirate) I clicked on it. It took me to ATS, I read the
page, used it inmy report, and while looking at the page I saw at the top it said "Join Free!" Im compulsive, so I just joined anyway. I didnt even
know what the site was about until I remembered it abouta month later. Then I knew. And now Im trapped. Sheesh, i didnt find BTS up until a few months
ago, at least 6 or 7 months afte rmy ATS addiction! hahaha
EDIT_ i accidentaly called him "richard" instead of "robert"
[Edited on 7-11-04 by Scat]