Hi Andy,
I see your point about the friends thing, it is a shame when people think that it's almost some kind of affliction to not be part of the crowd.
Personally i can do both. I work fine in a team, i am also very much in love with my girlfiend, however i am also very happy in my own company.
I don't have to be part of the crowd down the local, in fact that brings about more hassles than some would like to admit.
For anyone to think that this brings about criminal intentions, well thats rather silly if you ask me. Yes many well known criminals in the past have
been loners, but i could name as many that had family.
Having heard a little bit about you Andy (from what you have disclosed to us here), i would suggest you stop worrying about everyone else. Have some
"me time" and go do something you enjoy, without giving a damn what anyone thinks.
Stop worrying about the police too, as you've already said in the past, they've never arrested you....so you can't be that bad.
Although you've never expanded on the "techs" that caused the police to wreck your exams, just say for talkings sake that they did indeed do this.
That was many years ago i am guessing...yes? I say that because you say they have been hassling you for 18 years, so unless they had you targeted as a
baby....well you know.
So why not forget about it? So they messed your exams up......why not go back and take them again, stick two fingers...and a qualification up to those
who messed your life up.
The police do not waste thier time and money on you unless you give them reason to.
Regarding the friends thing though....you often find that those who appear to have many friends, do in fact have very few when push comes to shove.
Keep smiling mate....plenty out there to smile about still.