posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 12:57 AM
Hello there, I'm new to this site and thankful that I'm not alone in these suspicions and perhaps not mentally ill.
Yes, the vaccination is compulsory and parents that refuse it are forced to pay for it to be done. Surely they don't
care so much for our children's welfare-this is not out of the kindness of their hearts that's certain! It makes me
think of being blindly led into the shower room that is really a gas chamber! The new world order realization is
quite distressing isn't it-the world seems like a prison compound, only we are free range up to a point.
Swine and bird flu-all these new viruses could have been deliberately created ect........are they saying we have no choice to have the jabs or not?
The M.M.R injection was heavily put on parents and considered irresponsible to choose against it. All the incidences of autism related illnesses and
no one seems to have bat an eyelid or put a stop to it, let alone take responsibility for it- these dangerous people are the true criminals in this
evil craziness.
Forgive me for babbling on and thanks for reading my ravings! Take care.x