posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 09:37 AM
We can speculate until the cows come home that so and so will be elected, certain political standpoints will become this or that and the list goes on.
Is it not the wiser to try and not just enjoy the gift of life we all have been given, the friends and family we know and the experiences we have
had, for I am quite certain many, at least here on the ATS, have fairly comfortable and decent lives.
Not to say that we are a failed world by any means, I just think that it is sad that many people hide from themselves by becoming lost in the media
and entertainment world and focus on bigger issues than one would generally take on. By all means the GLOBAL condition is in need of harmonization.
Not as to amalgamate all across the world by any means at first except cooperation.
We all feel, live and exist built upon the same set of rules so-to-speak. We all hurt, laugh, interact, love, and such as well as being the same
design as a system. All races and gender were created equal and any who contest that I would really wonder at your logic or argument because honestly
we ARE THE SAME. We are humans being, we are here and we share the world in which we live.
I am so sick of hearing about aliens, ghosts, supernatural and occult phenomena, government conspiracies, wars, religious conflict, racism, sexism,
morally reprehensible crimes, violence, hatred,
miserable living conditions, lack of funding to healthcare, lack of funding in schools, inflation in many different niche markets and so on and so on
and so on. WHEN, will anyone look into their heart, truly discern what they require to fill it with love and joy, and realize that we cannot treat
others in any ways we really do not want to be treated, but with a patient and careful progression as to provide a stable platform with which to
reconstruct a sickened world into a healthy and conciencious one.
I DO like to philosophize and debate theology and many other topics of interest but without the emtotional attachment to necessarily all of them.
Thus, I understand the conjecture and the nature of discussions as to debate and hash-out our differences but with an equal voice of unanimous
participation and stop dwelling on fearful, negative topics that initiate paranoia and depression.
I think 2012 already happened. I think on many lvels we have been given a second chance and for that we should be grateful. I just can't find
myself attempting to spend hours debating to myself about such things with non-relevant or direct issues when I could be courting a woman, enjoying my
life or whatever took my fancy. Is it that such simple little pleasures in life have become meaningless to the average person. Why else would
someone prefer an hour of CNN to say playing video games or
basically just dealing with his reality. Peace.