posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 04:42 AM
Just watching how things are unfolding today is enough to make a person go off their rocker. A great many people these days pity themselves and carry
around a heavy bag of regrets. Everyone feels cheated and believes that the world owes them their piece of the pie at some point in their lives.
I've been thinking about my life and how it's turned a lot over the last few years and I've come to the conclusion that I've lived a good life,all
things considered. My life hasn't been a great as some but definitely better than many,in my own opinion. I could moan about the bad things which have
happened to me but I realize and accept the fact that many of those bad things were mostly self-inflicted and could've been avoided with a bit more
due diligence and effort on my part.
I've always strived to try to make improvements in my life,especially as I get older, and at this moment I can't complain. I'm really quite at peace
with the state of things in my own little bubble right now. While I may find my daily routine a bit too monotonous at times,I really don't have any
note-worthy problems to complain about. Now that I've said that,I've probably just jinxed myself...
Whatever happens going forward,I'm not bitter. I,like many others,will pass on with a list of dreams unfulfilled and that's just the way the cookie
crumbles. I'll soldier on and try to live a dignified life free of bitterness and hatred towards the world,regardless.
As the harsh realities of today's world intensify,I realize that there's really nothing I can do to save myself if things go horribly wrong. We all
have to go sometime and I can live with that. Maybe there's a bit of peace waiting at the end of all these worldly troubles. In the end,I'm happy to
have been here and able to do the things I've done so far regardless of what the future may hold.
That's just my two bits,for what it's worth...
edit on 15-1-2011 by FlyingJadeDragon because: edit for content