posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by standupamerica32
It's certainly possible to incorporate Thrust Vector Control into just about any airframe currently in service. The problem is whether or not it
will really be all that necessary. TVC is usually seen as a boon to air superiority designs - so only aircraft like the F-15, F-14, F-22 and some of
the Sukhoi models would potentially be in a real position to benefit.
For other aircraft, it would be adding weight while making the airframe more maintenance intensive with only a very small potential for it being a
gainful addition.
Now, if TVC could be made lighter, cheaper, and much more practical to maintain - it would only be logical to start incorporating it into more
airframes. Personally, I'd start with the 3d TVC on single-engine aircraft like the F-16 and F-20. Designs like the F-18 with closely spaced
engines will likely not benefit all that much from any TVC technologies.
I did, however, like the F-16 XL - I wouldn't mind having one of them. It didn't have TVC, if I remember correctly, but it was a hell of an
interesting airframe.