posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 11:09 PM
In Sudan I witnessed girls and boys 10 and under being sold on the street by their families no less to all manner of creeps; ex Spetznaz gun runners,
Representatives of Saudi Royalty, even business men from the US and UK.
The world is a crappy place sometimes..
Also, I think Muhammad’s favorite wife was like 6 or 9 when they were married.
I was assigned to a task force in Afghanistan where I was the “Senior American Commander” in the region. I got to meet with a lot of the local
elders, chiefs and for lack of a better word - warlords who all seemed to have had younger male “attendants” around them.
In some cases they were younger sons or sons in law but not always.
Russian is my language so I always had an interpreter with me but I never really got a straight answer if they were “boy toys” or not from him. I
got the impression he may have been embarrassed to tell me the truth.
I also worked with an Afghani Lieutenant Colonel equivalent who was my “counterpart” he had what the British Army refers to as “Bat-man”
basically a gofer. He was pretty effeminate young kid and I suspect the Afghani LTC took liberties with him as well.
My counterpart wanted to hold my hand a lot and violate my 18” of personal space as well when we talked, which I found uncomfortable but in the
spirit of hearts and minds did so more than I care to admit.
Cultures have always had and likely will always have pedophilia and some even say that it is not a choice but something they are born with like those
who say being homosexual is not a choice – heck perhaps pedophilia will be the next step in the slippery slope that is the mainstreaming of
homosexuality in the US.
Not saying I believe that – I think polyandry and polygamy will catch on and want equal protected special status first – then perhaps pedophilia,
necrophilia and beastiality.
Soon the 19 wives will all be legal ones and I am glad I won’t be in the military that has to accept that issue- heck if dependent care is a drain
in the military’s budget now imagine when every soldier can have multiple dependant wives and children.
I can’t imagine having more than one wife; dang, I imagine the exponential increase in nagging alone would make me go crazy.