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Lunatic Fringe

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posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by network dude

I am not suggesting any kind of phisical intervention, but should there be something done? Some way to attempt to help these people? My psycology abilbity ends at a friendly talk over a beer and some free advice. I have no training in these matters and have no clue what, it anything should be done.

Any ideas?

The least you can do is call them out on their behavior. Seriously, don't play with them and then ignore them, call them out for what they are, then be aware enough to stop participating in their madness. If they lie call them a liar. If they steal call them a thief. Otherwise you must not make posts without specifics otherwise you are just accusing all of us of what ever it is you do not like.

If a politician lies, cheats, or steals, we call them out. It may not change the facts but at least you were honest with yourself in the process.

This is part of the Shift in Consciousness, when we call a spade a spade and when we embrace that which we are. Eventually the person in question will realize that their "game" or "illusion" is not working as they want it to and they may even begin to see for once in their life. Instead society teaches us all how to lie, cheat, and steal. It teaches us how to create an illusion, take Money for instance; many people do not speak truthfully to one another and they fail each other as they try to give comfort and try to care. If you care enough then be truthful.

So who is this crazy Psycho on ATS? Seriously! Don't make such statements if you cannot say who it is; it is the least you can do.

I would call you out if you were crazy, but, if you were doing a table dance on the hood of your car I wouldn't think you are crazy. If you left cookies for Santa I probably then would have to intervene, unless of course the cookies were imaginary.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin

No, most people just drink themselves into oblivion.

That's a very elitist thing to say. I don't consider myself better than most.

I'll leave it at that since we're wildly off-topic. sorry for that.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Greensage
So who is this crazy Psycho on ATS? Seriously! Don't make such statements if you cannot say who it is; it is the least you can do.

What makes me laugh is that what i am saying is true, that really grinds peoples gears even on this board, lol.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by andy1033

Whether true or not, it is something that only supremacists say - maybe that's why people are freaked by snobbish elitism generally.

Or it's just that most people consider the fact that there's always someone smarter, better-lookin, wittier than you no matter who you are.

Answer if you need to; I'm finished - let's not derail the thread.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

I could rip your entire post to shreds , if I chose to do so .

However , I will be the bigger man here and leave this discussion of religion for another thread , another day . It is totally off-topic and serves only to derail the thread .

You have a wonderful day , and worship any way you see fit .

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Greensage

I would call you out if you were crazy, but, if you were doing a table dance on the hood of your car I wouldn't think you are crazy. If you left cookies for Santa I probably then would have to intervene, unless of course the cookies were imaginary.

we leave peanuts and a cold beer. I think we are on the end of his run. While I never advocate drinking and sleghing, what harm can 1 beer cause?

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

This is quite a ways off topic, but do you know what a Satanist believes?

Not the teenagers who are looking for any way possible to irritate their parents but the real ones. I was amazed to find out. It's not at all what you think. That is all I am saying about tolerance. make sure you understand that which you are intolerant of. I have no desire to denounce God and become one, but I at least understand that group now.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
reply to post by network dude

I am a member that believes in a hollow earth and that we share this earth with many others. am I crazy? I believe that ET operate on this planet in our military and Navy - should I be tarnished with the brush that of Jared?

Just because peoples way of thinking are different to so called main stream of what is acceptable to think doesn't mean that people need help. Just a little understanding would go a long way.
edit on 14-1-2011 by franspeakfree because: (no reason given)

If the earth is hollow then why does it get hotter closer and closer to the center?

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:31 PM
Well, with this guy, there was ample evidence that he wasn't right. He'd made threats and had actually been kicked out of college with them saying that he wouldn't be let back in until he was deemed psychologically not-a-danger by a licensed professional. Even people who believe in the weirdest things, things that I definitely don't agree with, still have coherent speech. Their logic and sources seem a bit off sometimes, but they seem overall able to communicate coherently and effectively. That guy wasn't properly able to do that by the look of his videos. What can we do for the mentally ill? Not turn a blind eye when they have a long history of doing crazy stuff. Because, from everything that I can see, that's exactly what happened with him.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:36 PM
Now if this ain't a bunch of pots calling the kettle black then I don't know what is.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by network dude

I understand, where you are coming from. You are moved by compassion and concern. You don't want to anyone else hurt, including the person suffering from mental illness. My state, I cannot speak for any others, has cut the Mental Health budget until I'm not sure there even is one. There used to be programs and money to fund them and money to follow up on people who needed help. One thing we all could do is write our Governmental representatives and ask for better care and programs for those who suffer from mental illness. I know that is not going to sit well with people against the government interfering in our lives, so far as I know they are the best equiped to deal with a problem so widespread.

This web site has to remain aloof from this problem. We cannot use this forum to target people, regardless if we believe it is to help them. Freedom means for everyone, even those who are desirable in our society.

We all need to excersise caution when dealing with people who might be more sensitive. We are making an effort here to be kind, kindness goes a long way, sometimes people need that most.

Be smart, keep your personal information off your posts and off this site as much as possible, this is just common sense. I am guilty of revealing more at times than I should, need to be more careful. This site is open to the public, not just members.

My signiture is not to be cute, I had it before this post, and it is a really good song. Many of us have ADD, so the jumping from subject to subject as a sign of mental illnes, not so much...

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 06:47 PM
Lunatics should always have a fringe.. it keeps the sun out of their eyes.

Seriously... as members here we are powerless to effect another person's life in any way other than with words. It's a big ask to want to see nutters sorted out when they arrive here. And people who do stupid things like shoot others because of some mental disorder are going to do that anyway no matter if they frequent ATS or not.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

Somehow, definitions have gotten muddled in political correctness and free speech (as some practice it.)

And that's why now some call evil good, and good, evil.

It's not politically correct to call evil, evil anymore......

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Merigold
It's hard for me to understand how the Arizona shooter was allowed to get as far as he did, where are the people who love him? Did no one notice that there were clearly issues?

...maybe his parents couldnt force him into treatment because he's an adult...

...or maybe his parents are the reason why he's a fruitcake...

...or maybe they thought he would grow out of "it"...

Originally posted by Merigold
I have a close relative who is mentally ill. It has been clear from her early teens that something is wrong. The family, who love her, did not ignore this problem, we actually did something, made sure that she got help.

...thats a best case scenario... she's lucky... some arent...

Originally posted by Merigold
It is our responsibility within our communities to look out for each other, If everyone took the time to just look after their immediate family, things like this wouldn't happen.

...sure they would... you're presuming that everyone has an intelligent / nice family and thats naive...

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

You don't have to become a Satanist to understand what they believe.

If by "Satanist" you are referring to The Church of Satan, founded by Anton LaVey, then you may not understand what they believe. If you read The Satanic Bible by LaVey, you will understand that Satanists do not believe in God or Satan. The focus on the symbolism of Satan was more of an opposition to the Church. These Satanists believe we each are our own God, are are fully aware that man created God and Satan. I see the philosophy as more or less hedonism with a Big Stick Policy. The media sensationalism surrounding satanism, usually concerning viloent teens who listen to metal or goth is never about Satanists. They are about cults that believe in God and Satan or confused people who think Marilyn Manson is a prophet.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by stonergeek

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

You don't have to become a Satanist to understand what they believe.

If by "Satanist" you are referring to The Church of Satan, founded by Anton LaVey, then you may not understand what they believe. If you read The Satanic Bible by LaVey, you will understand that Satanists do not believe in God or Satan. The focus on the symbolism of Satan was more of an opposition to the Church. These Satanists believe we each are our own God, are are fully aware that man created God and Satan. I see the philosophy as more or less hedonism with a Big Stick Policy. The media sensationalism surrounding satanism, usually concerning viloent teens who listen to metal or goth is never about Satanists. They are about cults that believe in God and Satan or confused people who think Marilyn Manson is a prophet.

Yeah I was mixing both Satanists and wannabe's and vampire wannabe's and Emo's. Too often I expect that others are aware of my experiences.

I certainly went off track ... because of the suspects' reported 'beliefs'.

And I've seen what many organizations espouse. Mostly a convoluted blending sourced from their persona and some ancient information/religion.

One doesn't need to fully understand a faith and practice it to realize it to be kooky.

Those types mentioned above could easily be explained as 'phases' one might experience while exercising their pursuit of happiness. (Not pursuit of evil; death; murder)

If one cannot understand history and what is considered evil all through history and make a conscious decision what constitutes evil and a red flag then ... perhaps they need to look at their own values.

It's certainly OK to be nosey when you see someone going over the edge.

Or to help some that you see having issues. Too many people don't want to get involved.

How can one define 'over the edge' or identify a red flag if their own tolerance has become impaired?

This shooting, although tragic when anyone is subjected to this level of violence, may help to alert many people to take this type of behavior seriously.

Instead of tolerating.

Ask questions, push back, be concerned, be well balanced.

Anton Lavey...? Yeah, that was my reference. It was in the newspapers enough. Got sick of seeing it after I read indepth. If you've seen the pictures and read about that type it stinks that people follow that junk.
Same as Jim Jones.

You can't help everyone. Just make attempts, have faith and confidence.

Wearing a black cape doesn't increase your 'cool' stats except in a video game?
edit on 1·18·11 by DrMattMaddix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by network dude

That is exactly the phrase that's been coming to my mind recently when I'm here at ATS... "Lunatic Fringe"..... due to the many subjects/titles of threads here regarding jared loughner.

Such as this thread where the ATS member referred to loughner's murderous shooting as "shooting up a grocery store" and nothing was done by ATS Moderaters... even after the member sent me an harassing PM:

why was Erad3 banned?

Or the countless jared loughner threads of his innocence, "reason", "message" etc.. As if he is to be someone more than a cowardly, crazy person with a gun and arrogance who killed unarmed old people and a little girl.

It's sad to watch ATS lately. What can be done? Nothing unless ATS stops allowing it. Members just get harrassed by PMs by the "Lunatic Fringe" if they post otherwise.

ATS really needs a feature where we can, at least, block ourselves from having to view certain members trolling.

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