posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:05 PM
TheGrey, humans are the species who once were carriers of the "12 energy (12-stranded DNA)," which connected them to the universe. Humans were
superbeings at one point, because they were telepathic receivers for energies and information from all over the universe. Through conscious intention,
they could manifest anything and do anything.
What happened was that a certain group of extraterrestrials (gods with a lowercase g) raided the planet, fought for it in wars, and won. The "dark"
extraterrestrials beat out the light-bearing extraterrestrials who had planned and designed this place as an intergalactic exchange center for
information, and the concept of duality was birthed. This is all referenced in ancient Biblical texts, and in Summerian and Babylonian tablets. These
beings have been called The Nephilm, The Annunaki, The Reptilians, etc. in modern history. In actuality, they were part human, and part
They came here because they wanted this place for many of their own reasons, one being to use human emotions as a food supply that kept them in power.
They created versions of humans with a two-stranded double helix DNA system, and the remaining DNA was left intact, but it was inactive. Remember,
over 98% of DNA has an unknown function. Scientists call this "junk DNA." These Reptilian beings interfere with this reality through their own
dimensions in a variety of different ways, and they create emotional chaos in order to nourish and keep themselves in power. This has been the case
for thousands of years.
What's happening at the moment -- through sometime around 2011-2012 -- is that the planet is going through an accelerated evolutionary phase, and our
DNA is rebundling back into what it once originally was: a 12-Stranded helix system. The Reptilian energies know that after this happens, they will no
longer be in control, so they are re-entering and merging back with our dimension one last time to create emotional chaos and keep people in fear. It
is not a planet (Nibiru) which is going to clash with ours; it's a dimension -- the dimension where the Reptilians reside in and operate.