posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:46 AM
You know what I see here? That there's no story too sad that somebody wont use it to further their wingnuttery. Some RL for you:
Back in the mid 90's the UK was under Conservative government. Despite their best efforts, the UK was still way more socialist than any State
of the USA today. My family lost a baby during birth. There was nothing suspicious about it: there were just several factors which added up to a
protracted labour & the poor sod couldn't stand the strain. We had the option to have an autopsy performed, in an attempt to determine the exact
cause of death. We could also stipulate how the procedure was carried out - no charge.
We were an unorthodox family of 1 man (me), 2 women & 3 young kids. B/c of the difficult circumstances surrounding the event, our intended child-care
arrangements were screwed. The hospital looked after them - no charge.
After the gory bits were over, the staff brought the kids, with toys, mats etc to join us, a couple of reclining arm chairs & a Health Care Assistant
so we could all try to come to terms with what had happened & get some rest - no charge.
We had to shift from the birthing suite eventually b/c they needed to get another woman in there. They also whisked our dead baby off to the morgue
during this move. Some friends of ours turned up a bit later & wanted to see the baby. The hospital set him up in a crib, in a non-religious room
attached to their chapel, for that purpose. Our group was then 9 adults & 6 kids. We camped out in that hospital for another 2 days - no charge.
I was a bit surprised to hear that when a baby dies in the UK, the undertakers deal with the remains for free. I dont remember (& possibly never knew)
whether this is the law, or if they waive their fees pro bono. I expect that a fancy casket &/or burial would cost, but a cremation doesn't. If you
want to take the ashes away, you have to tell the crem in advance & provide a receptacle. I was very surprised @just how far everyone goes to sheild
you from paper work - no charge.